The Interstate Progress from Logansport, Louisiana (2024)

asked tween isiana agreed conferences. operating Orleans last on drop the Railroads passenger who commissioners trains and of ance has of in Life Insur- La. Tex. Calk By Mrs. J.

M. Sasser The ladies are getting: a break Thursday night, February 19th when the Kiwanis Club observes Ladies Night and entertain with a banquet with a guest speaker. This happens to be an annual event. Dr. Harry A.

Porter of Joaquin was able to attend Kiwanis last week after having been a shut-in from a broken arm sustained before Christmas while gathering pecans. The Progress enjoyed his visit to the office. The State Press Conference in Monroe Saturday was one of the best the Progress publisher ever attended. The discussions were nearer the real problems and nearel the heart of newspaper transactions than any ever heard at the Texas Railroad to two week that Texas Houston and the Texas-LouState Line cannot stop these trains. It was pointed out that in claims for raised freight rates that loss on passenger trains had been filed to secure these raises in rates and the commissioners said it felt that it should carefully consider problems of railroads, "But we cannot believe that rails should be permitted to 'Eat their cake and have at Mr.

Beasley Elected To State Grand Office Clarence Beasley was elected Deputy Grand Master of Louisiana Lodge at the Grand Session held in New Orleans this week. Other new officers elected were: Alex Stephens of Oakdale, Grand Master; Louis Leggett, New Orleans, Grand Senior Warden; Dillon Long, Opelousas, Grand Treasurer; and Pete Leguend, New Orleans, Grand Secretary. Logansport Lodge feels a distinct honor in having one of their members in the Grand Family and Mr. Beasley having been active and earnest in his work has won for himself and his lodge an honor deeply appreciated. Mrs.

Beasley accompanied Mr. Beasley to New Orleans where they have been while he attended the Grand Lodge meeting. MARINE RECRUITER TO BE IN LOGANSPORT FEBRUARY 18 Master Sergeant C. J. Dear noncommisisoned officer in charge of the U.

S. Marine Corps Recruiting ofifce in the Shreveport area announced that a Marine recruiter will visit the Post Office in Logansport at 2:30 p. m. on Wednesday, February 18th. Because of an increase in strength in the Marine Corps many additional young men, between the ages of 17 to 28, are needed to perform the varied duties that Marines are called upon to do.

Men who join the Marines from this area are sent to San Diego, California for their recruit training. After completing recruit training they are promoted to Private First Class and given a ten day Upon returning to their assigned station they are eligible to attend one of the 140 different specialists schools which prepare Marines for work in one or more of 470 different job skills. Because of a recent bill passed by Congress, young men who join the Marines are entitled to all the benefits of the new G. I. Bill of Rights.

Resident of Grand Cane Died Sunday John Morris McFadden of Grand Cane, age 75 years, died suddenly at his residence in Grand Cane Sunday, Feb. 8th. Funerla services were held Monday at the Old Friendship cemetery with graveside services. Officiating ministers were Rev. Don Learner and Rev.

O. D. Behm. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Thobythy McFadden; three daughters, Mrs.

C. P. Berry of Gladewater, Texas, Mrs. C. R.

Bates, Lufkin, Texas, Mrs. C. H. Judin, Houston, Texas; one son, Dewey McFadden, of Grand Cane. Pallbearers were C.

R. Bates, C. H. Judin, Afton Berry, Alton Berry, Willie Berry, Odis McFadden, C. L.

Caldwell and Joe Blunt. Funeral services were under direction of Caraway Funeral home of Logansport. L. Louisiana Journalism Journalism University THE INTERSTATE PROGRESS VOLUME FIFTY THREE THE INTERSTATE PROGRESS, LOGANSPORT, DESOTO PARISH, LOUISIANATHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1953 NUMBER FIFTY Right to Cut Passenger Trains Denied In Texas BARKSDALE CELEBRATING TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY Louis Throgmorton Guest Speaker at Kiwanis Club 19th Louie E. Throgmorton will be guest speaker at the annual six o'clock dinner served at the Logansport High school cafeteria February 13 when the Kiwanis Club will observe "Ladies Night." Mr.

Throgmorton is vice presiand relations dent director public the Republic National Company of Dallas. He engaged life been insurance for nearly 25 years. Prior to his connection with the Republic National, he was general agent for a large eastern company at Shreveport, Louisiana. During his residence there he was active in professional circles, serving as national chairman of the Credentials committee of the National Association of Life Underwriters, and president of the Shreveport association for two years. His civic activities at Shreveport included the presidency of the Shreveport Grand Opera Association, chairmanship of the Confer-1 ence of Christians and Jews, and membership on the library board.

He was program chairman of the membership committee of the Chamber of Commerce, and an elder in the Kingshighway Christian Church. He also taught a large men's class at the Broadmoor Methodist Church, and a similar campus class at Centenary College. Since coming to Dallas, Mr. Throgmorton has ben similarly active in civic projects. including, chairmanship of the Cancer Control Day, Umpires' Appreciation Day, co-chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Membership Committee, on the Board of Trustees of Washington Pilgrimage, Washington, D.

C. He is much in demand as a speaker before civic and business organizations, delivering over 200 addresses a year, throughout the the Southwest and Midwest. He is also assistant teacher of the John G.I Slayter Bible Class of the East las Christian Church. He was born in Piggott, Arkansas and was educated in the Jonesboro and Little Rock schools. For the first time since 1949 the gates of Barksdale Air Force Base will be open to the general public, Saturday, Feb.

14, when the base observes its twentieth anniversary. Officials of the anniversary committee announced that due to the tremendous interest shown by the public, the gates will open at 9 a. m. instead of 12:30 p. m.

as previously announced. This is being done to accomodate more visitors out the day. Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenburg, Chief of Staff, United States Air Force will attend the open house.

He is also expected to deliver a short speech on the flight line Saturday afternoon. Guest of honor at the open house will be Mrs. Kate W. Barksdale of Goshen Springs, mother of Lt. Eugene Hoy Barksdale for whom the base was named.

The open" house will feature a display of the various aircraft used by Second Air Force. Included in this will be the B-36, C-124, B-47 and others. Special platforms will be constructed whereby visitors may view the interior as well as the exterior of the planes. Major W. T.

"Billy" Whisner, Shreveports two-war ace, will fly an F-86 for display from Nellis Air: Force Base, Nevada to Barksdale DeSoto Parish Tournament to Be Held At Logansport Saturday, February 14 The annual boys' and girls' Soto Parish Basketball Tournament will be held Saturday, February 14, at the Logansport High School Gymnasium. The opening game will begin at 9:00 a. m. and will be played by the Grand Cane and Logansport. girls' teams.

Preliminary games will be played throughout the day, ending about 4:50 p. m. Game finals will begin promptly at 7:15 p. m. Everyone urged to attend.

The Oak Grove girls and the Logansport boys are the parish champions. The Oka Grove girls won the right to keep the tro. phy last year by winning the parish tournament three consecutive years. The trophy for the girls team winning the finals will be a brand new one this year. If the Logansport boys win the tournament this year they will be entitled to keep the parish cup for winning it three consecutive years.

Oficials for the tournament will be Monte Cheeves of Natchitoches' Funeral Services To Be Held Today For Prentiss Bates, 43 Funeral services will be held this afternoon (Thursday) at 2 p. m. at Terrell, Texas, for Prentiss Bates, 43, who died at 5:30 p. m. Tuesday following a heart attack.

Mr. Bates was a nephew of the late G. I. Trammell of Logansport and visited, here for Mr. Trammell's funeral several months ago.

He is survived by his wife; four adopted children; his mother, Mrs. Hattie Bates of Houma; two brothers, Turner Bates, Columbus, and Marvin Bates, Houma; two sisters, Mrs. John Lee Pierce, and Mrs. Ruby Frazier, Luling, La. Texas Ruling on Passenger Trains is Good News For Louisiana Towns New have route be- Three Texas Railroad commis-, sioners agreed that railroad in the Lone Star State can't eat their cake and have it too" according to news reports sent out by United Press.

The commissioners refused to let the Texas and New Orleans two pasenger trains operating on the 191-mile route between Houston and the Texas-Louisiana state line because the railroad wouldn't reveal its freight rate earnings over the route. The trains the wanted to drop are Nos. 25 and 26 between Houston and Shreveport, La. The commission said it felt it should "carefully consider" problems of railroads, "but we cannot believe that the rails, should be permitted to 'eat their cake and have it. too'." The following the custom of other roads, refused to tell the commission how much money it was making on freight trains on the Shreveport-Houston run.

The commission said the always pleaded, when asking for higher freight rates, that it was losing money on passenger service, and the commission said it felt it was entitled to reciprocal information on freight earnings. in a passenger case. 190-mile "If passenger deficits may be used to justify increases in freight rates, in those cases like this one where railroads seek to discontinue passenger train operations, and show a loss from that operation from freight should also be considered," the commission said, "and if there is an overall earning sufficient for the operations for a reasonable profit, the authority to discon- for the open house. Major Whisner, who is a native of Shreveport, was America's seventh jet ace in Korea. Officials of the anniversary committee have also announced that automobiles will be routed directly to the flight line, but for who wish to see the recent construction of the base a special route is planned.

This route will be accessable only to those who enter the west gate of the base, located on the Coushatta road. Another feature which will be open throughout the day will be exhibits of Air Force equipment from the various squadrons and units in the gymnasium. There are expected to be more than 20 huge displays in the gym. Also, for the convenience of visitors, booths where sandwiches and drinks may be purchased will be located near the exhibits. "Shortly after noon the other special activities on the days program will get under way," stated Major Wallace T.

McGill, chairman of the ramp activities committee. The feature attraction will be the appearance of the famed United States Air Force Drum and Bugle Corps from Washington, D. C. As a marching unit the corps is composed of 60 men. Although the highly versatile organization does on occasion divide itself into a concert group, glee club or bagpipe' band, it is as a marching unti in the field that the Corps excels.

Furnishing concert music for the afternoon will be the Barksdale and Alexandria Air Force Base Bands combined as one unit. The 3rd Strategic Support Squadron of Barksdale will demonstrate the loading of a huge C-124 Globemaster transport plane. The huge plane is the largest operational transport used by the Air Force today and has special elevators for loading purposes. Arrangements have been made whereby automobiles may be parked on the flight line, and the Air Police Squadron will be on hand to direct traffic and assure a speedy movement of automobiles during the day. The medical squadrons will operate first aid stations on the flight line and military personnel will be stationed at various places on the line and in the gymnasium to answer questions for the visitors.

Problems of City Discussed at Regular Council Meeting Held Monday Evening Water supply, gas, sprinkling dust for insects, boundary lines, street openings, printing, and parking problems were discussed at the regular monthly council meeting Monday evening when the city fathers met at the city hall, the Mayor Murray S. Pugh presiding. In the matter of water supply, it was pointed out that the present water was inadequate and that some plan would have to be worked out for more water. A motion made by J. D.

Stubblefield and seconded by Clyde Malone that Mr. Heard do whatever he saw best to provide a better water supply. After some discussion, M. P. Kolb reported that the well at the American Legion site north of the city was thought to be a good water well.

On motion of Mr. Stubblefield and seconded by Teague Price Mr. Kolb was appointed to perfect a test to determine the quality and the quantity of the water in this well. It had been previously pointed out that there were many leaks in the gas lines and it was reported that quite a bit of repairs had been Logansport Boys Win Stonewall Tournament The Logansport Tigers chalked up another tournament victory to add to their list of games won last Saturday by defeating the Oak Grove Blue Jackets in the finals of the Stonewall boys tournament held at the Stonewall High school The inal score of the game was 47 to 46. To advance to the finals the local five defeated the Stonewall team 64 to 43 and deated Noble in the semifinals by a close score of 39 to 36.

The girls team journeyed to Martin where they entered the High school tournament on day. They were eliminated from the race to play in the finals but went on to place third by winning the consolation finals. Read the ads in The Progress "New Oak Grove" is the Name Selected For the Incorporation at Oak Grove "New Oak Grove" was the selected for the incorporation of the Oak Grove Community. Some of the names submitted were New Grove, Oak Cliff, Oak Hill, Oak Park, Oak View, Live Oak, Oakland, DeSoto City, Cluster, Sunny Grove and Stanley. Stanley was submitted in honor of "Uncle Jack Stanley" a beloved citizen who died many years ago.

This name ran a close race to the New Oak Grove. Gordon Christian acted as toastmaster and Mrs. William Creech assisted. The names submitted were drawn from the box and placed on theb lackboard. Each name was considered carefully and were voted on by the group of people present.

New Continued on last page done in this way. More than a half million cubic feet of gas unaccounted for was reported after repairs and it was stated further repairs would be made to eliminate this waste. The matter of dust sprinkling to eliminate insects was discussed and since the sprinkling had done so much good it was decided to continue this work. Boundary lines, property lines were discussed in order to route and open other streets, the problem of routing traffic to Vance Heights was one of the subjects. Printing of the financial statement was authorized and will appear in another column of this issue of the Progress.

Further printing of minutes, statements and official proceedings of the council will be determined as soon as the attorney reports the law on the subject. The subject of parking was discussed and a park site was to be investigated adjoining the city hall property. It was pointed out that busines cars and uptown personnel monopolized the park sites from the trading public. DeSoto Oil News A new development in the Lo- one assitant to officiate for the boys games and two women from the Physical Education Department of NSC to be in charge of the girls! games. Proceeds from the tournament will go to the parish and will be used for buying trophies and track medals.

Following is a complete list of pairings for play in the first round: Grand Cane vs. Logansport girls 9:00 a. Logansport vs. Pelican boys, Oak Grove vs. Stonewall girls, Mansfield vs.

Oak Grove boys, Longstreet vs. Pelican girls, 12:30 p. vs. Longstreet boys, 1:20. Semi-final play begins at 2:15 p.

m. with the Mansfield girls meeting the winner of the Grand CaneLogansport game. Both the LHS boys and teams are entered in the district tournament which wil be held at Natchitoches on the NSC campus on Fbruary 20-21, Death of Mrs. Russel T. Pynes Saturday Mrs.

Russell T. Pynes, 73, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Holzapgel in Viscotia, Texas Friday. Funeral services were held Sunday at 2:00 p. m.

at Deadwood Methodist church with Rev. Hang of Franklin, officiating, assisted by Rev. S. A. Seegers, pastor of the Logansport Methodist church.

Mrs. Pynes is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Robert Holzapfel of Victoria, Mrs. Everett Verrett of Franklin, and Mrs. Alexander of China, Texas.

Burial was in Deadwood cemetery under direction of Caraway Funeral home. gansport oil interest is shallow tests. New welsl, new crews and new interest are developing in this direction. A test this week is being made at three thousand feet on the Louie Oden land north of the city. A new derrick is going up on the P.

G. R. Bell land, also north of the city. The Hollingsworth No. 2 is spudding in and setting casing on the Q.

P. Siler and Eddie DeFriend No. 1. Comwolei Club To Present Musical Next Month Oak Grove and Stanley proved to be the most popular and on final vote New Oak Grove won by a small majority over the name ley. New Oak Grove will be incorporrated one mile east, one mile west and one mile north and south, this will take in the thickly populated section of the New Oak Grove community including the school, the McCoy sawmill and stores and filling stations in that area.

Mayor Murry Pugh was present and related to this group some of the advantages of the incorporation in the light of taxes, gas, water, lights, etc. The regular monthly meeting of the Comwolei Club was held Monday night at the home of Mrs. Kelly Averett with Mrs. G. H.

McCasland and Mrs. H. C. Price as cohostesses. The Valentine theme was carried out with each member receiving a "cute" Valentine.

The hostesses a delicious meal to those present. The panel discussion for the night was on "The United Nations" with Mrs. L. E. Perigo, Mrs.

James Russell and Miss Frances Cromwell ticipating. Mrs. Perigo opened the discussion with the "Histoy and Organization of the UN" followed by Mrs. Russell who gave the aims of the UN. Miss Cromwel discussed instances and cases in which the UN has aided many countries.

The next meeting of the club will be open to the public at which time a musical program will be rendered by Mrs. Francis Alston, Mrs. O. D. Behm, and Mrs.

Louie Oden. Piano, vocal and organ selections will be rendered. The program will be held at the First Baptist Church in Logansport and music lovers of this area are cordially invited to attend. The date of the program will be anI nounced later..

The Interstate Progress from Logansport, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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