The Crowley Post-Signal from Crowley, Louisiana (2024)

Cleveland Moves To Within One I Th Thursday, August 21, 1 952 Game Of Front-Running Yankees Nelson Brilliant In Belief; Millers Sain Split With Thibodaux The Crowley Millers gained a split of a twin bill in Thibodaux last night by winning the nightcap 6.2 on the brilliant relief hurling of lefthander Charles Nelson. The Giants took the first contest G-C. By dividing fhe double-header, the Millers hold a game lead over second place Baton Rouge who won two games from the Alexandria Aces. Hugh Blanton had a one hit shutout going in the first game when the roof caved in on him in the fourth frame. Two walks, a sacrifice, a pair of JKtr i 1 WJ Hi- 4 ij.

r- .57 iulane Rated Hear Bottom Among SEC Clubs By STERLING SLAPPEY Associated Press Sports Writer Tulcne is an aristocrat of foot-jail likely to go slumming this fall in a million dollar showplace. A one-time Rose Bowl team, a two-times winner of Southeastern Conference championships and 'lolder of two unbeaten seasons in conference games has no business oeing rated very near or on the bottom of the 12-team Southeastern. But, near the bottorri of the SEC is where Tulane is rated by coach-is and justifiably so. You can check carefully through Tulane's roster, look closely at 1951 statistics and accomplishments, you can add some credit for pleasant surprises coming up this fall in the way of young of improved players and you can credit Tulane with hiring Bear Wolf as head coach. But, still the Green Wave just doesn't look as impressive as the average Southeastern team.

The 1951 club wasn't a good one. On several occasions it was a poor team against Auburn, Mississippi and Kentucky. There were few stars and some who were supposed to shine looked dull. The team finished out its string a bit stronger than it was operating in mid-season but still had a disappointing 4-6 record. The residue from that sometimes unhappy team, plus a few promcteees from the squad aria a promising freshman or two, are what Coach Wolf will meet for the opening of fall drills Sept.

Generally, Tulane's 1952 ends, tackles and guards look weaker than those on the 1951 team. Centers will be more plentiful and maybe a little better. The back-field doesn't look bad at all with these good men returning Ronnie Kent, Max McGee, Fred Demp-sey, Pete Clement, Bob Saia, Ray Hymel, Ray Weidenbacher, Roy Bailey and Lester Kennedy. Generally, on the defensive, Tulane appears weakened. During spring drills the three most improved Tulane men were end-linebacker Charley Pittman, center Charles Camp and guard-linebacker Al Robelot.

Robelot and three others are the men Tulane presently expects the most from. The others are led by GETTING READY James Pray bears down on the pigskin as Jimmy McCoy holds the ball in one of the recent night practice sessions going on at the Crowley High football field. The 1952 gridders are prepping for their game with Westlake in the Jamboree in Lake Charles on August 29. By Ralph Roden AP Sports Writer Kupr since Luke Easter became a regular on the Cleveland Indians it has been said, "As Easter goes so go the Indians." Cleveland's pennant hopes have waxed and waned the past two reasons coinciding with the rise or decline of Easter's fortunes at the olate. A trick knee more than lack Df punch in the clutch has been responsible for Easter's failure to deliver the goods in the past.

His value to the Indians is clear-y demonstrated by his perform-mce this year. Big Luke is hot "ight now and so are the Indians. Cleveland, with Easter playing a leading roll, swamped the Boston Red Sox, 18-8 yesterday and pulled to within a game of the, American League's front-running New York Yankees. The Yanks were humiliated, 12-3, by the Chicago White Sox. Philadelphia tipped Detroit, 4-3, in the circuit's only night game.

A night game between St. Louis and Washington was rained out. Brooklyn moved seven games ahead of the New York Giants in the National League chase, downing Cincinnati, 6-3. The Giants and Chicago Cubs were rained out. In other games, Philadelphia tamed Pittsburgh, 3-1, and St.

Louis trounced Boston, 9-2, in a game called in the eighth inning because of rain. The Indians could take over the lead today with the help of Chicago. A Cleveland victory over Boston and a Chicago triumph over New York would enable the Indians to move out front by one percentage point. Cleveland enters the crucial stage of its 12-game road trip tomorrow when it invades Yankee Stadium for a two game series. Easter, Ray Boone and Larry Doby were the ringleaders in Cleveland's rout of the Red Sox.

Easter batted in six runs on a grand-slam homer and two singles, Boone sent six mates across on a homer and two singles and Doby batted in a pair of runs on his 27th homer and two singles. Since July 15, when Easter rejoined the Indians after a short exile to Indianapolis of the American Association, the Tribe has won 24 games and lost 15, a .615 pace. During this span Easter has whacked out 26 hits in 78 times at bat, a .333 average, driven in 28 runs and clouted eight homers. Before he departed for Indianapolis he was hitting .208 and had driven in 33 runs and connected for only 11 homers in 63 games. The Indians spotted the Red Sox low and Bob Whitman have been signed on to help Wolf and oldline assistants Dennis Vanzant and Andy Pilney.

The 1952 schedule is slightly toughter than the average SEC team and one thing which may help Tulane considerably is the playing of seven games at home. Tulane meets Georgia, Santa Clara, Mississippi, Mississippi State, Vanderbilt, Louisi ana College and L. S. U. in the multi-million dollar Sugar Bowl Georgia tech will be played in Atlanta, Auburn in Mobile and Kentucky in Lexington.

IE POWER in two innings before they lowered the boom with a 10-rui uprising in the third against Maury jucuermuu, xwy uu-rrH and WHlard Nixon. Easter climaxed the rally with his jackpot wallop. Easter and Boone singled' home a pair of runs apiece in the fifth and the Tribe closed out their scoring with four more in ine Dobv's homer and Boone's three-run blast. Bob Lem on gave up 15 hits in noicning nis 15th victory. r-ViiVnoo nlco ame ud with a big inning to beat the Yanks.

The whito Say srnrpd six runs in the fhirri innin-r tn wine out a 2-1 de ficit and that was more than Saul Rogovin needed to hang up ms 11th triumph. Pari Krhpih drove home two runs and scored the winning run in the A's triufnph over Detroit. Scheib singled home two runs in the seventh to tie the score at 3-3 and then pranced over the plate on one- baggers by Fete.Micier ana rerns Fain. Brooklvn found veteran Ken Raffi.nsberger for 11 hits and all of their runs in less than four in nings. Connie Ryan was the big wheel in Philadelphia's triumph over Pittsburgh.

Ryan clouted his 12th homer, walked three times ana stole two bases in posting his 10th conquest. Harvey "The Kitten" Haddix turned in a five-hitter in his major league debut for the Cards. Haddix, awaiting discharge from the Army, coasted home after the Cards jumped on Lew Burdette for six runs in the second inning on three doubles, three singles and two walks. tola KCs To DonaSe Ball Tickets' To Youlhs The Knights of Columhus of Iota will present gift tickets to the Miller bail game here next Tuesday night to all youngsters of that area interested in seeing the game. The game that night is between the Abbeville Athletics and the Crowley Millers.

-o- The tails of fat-tailed sheep, raised throughout the Near East, yield a fat prized in making pastry. The tails wigh up to 35 pounds. Housework Easy Wit'iout Nagging Backache Nagging backache, loss of pep and energy, headaches and dizziness may be due to slowdown of kidney function. Doctors say good kidney function is very important to good health. When some everyday condition, such as stress and strain, causes this important function to slow down, many folks suffer nagging backache feel miserable.

Minor bladder irritations due to cold or wrong diet may cause getting up nights or frequent passages. Don't neglect your kidneys if these conditions bother you. Try Doan's Pills a mild diuretic. Used successfully by millions for over 50 years. It's amazivg how many times Doan's give happy relief from these discomforts help the 15 miles of kidney tubes and filters flush out waste.

Get Doan's Pills today! TO YOU IN '52 10 MIX FED I Sports Roundup By Gayle Talbot iwiMiruuin riuuDies ana a single pave the Giants 4 big runs and the Millers were never able to catch up. Nelson relieved Blanton in the fifth and did a fine job. He pave up a single to Hilly Adams in the fifth to allow two runners to score, these bein charged to Blanton, then held the Giants to one nit the rest of the tay. The Millers tallied 3 times in the eighth on singles by Nelson, Seivolrtti and Smerek. and a double by Edinger but that was all the damage they could do.

Smerek led the Miller hitters in the opener with three hits in four trips to the plate. Crowley went to work early in the nightcap scoring 5 runs and chasing starter Holman to a quick shower. Scivoletti opened the game by drawing a free ticket to first. Kay Stockton's hot smash to third hit Billy Adams in the face and bounded into left field to give a double to Stockton. Scivoletti going to third.

After Scivoletti scored on a wild pitch, Edinger singled to score Stockton, Moore walked and Ogletree singled to dep short to load the bases. Tony Mele then sent a line drive double to left center to clear the sacks. Hoy Niccolai started for the Millers but lack of control forced him to retire after walking three men in the first inning. Charlie Nelson came on then, his second relief appearance of the evening, and after giving up a single to Red Smith which counted the two Giant runs, pitched shutout ball the rest of the way. The Millers got their sixth tally in the fourth on singles Meriwether, Scivoletti, and Stockton.

Stockton, with a double and two singles in 3 official trips to the plate led the hitting in the final game. Season play between the two clubs ended last night with the Millers holding a 11-9 edge over the Giants. Crowley moves over to Ifouma for games with the Indians tonight and tomorrow night. The two clubs return to Miller Stadium Saturday night- Bv The Associated Press BATTING Connie Ryan, Thils clouted his 12th homer, walked three times, stole two bases and scored all of Philadelphia runs in 3 1 triumph over Pittsburgh. PITCHING Carl Scheib.

Athletics pitched and batted Philadelphia to a 4 3 triumph over Detroit, driving in tying runs with two-run single and scoring winning run. Colored Youngsters To See Salurday Game Free i The c'nrd Youth Recreation Group will hold its annual party at the West Crowley playgrounds Friday afternoon. Th tiroup is under the direction of Teddy Gantt. Jerry Ashley, Crowiey "uusiness nan, will present all members of the group with a ticket to Saturday night's ball game at Miller Stadium between the Millers and the Ifouma Indians. USE THE SIGNAL WANT ADS ATHLETES FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT IN ONE HOUR If not pleased, your 4 5c back.

This STRONG fungicide SLOUGHS OFF th outer skin to expose buried fungi. Kills it on cont.ict. Get Greaseless, instant-drying T-4-L at any drug ore. Today at Gremiihon's Drug Store. If "5 4 i A- 1 -V I 3 i man and Ken McGregor going for them." In view of the report, the tennis family must feel fairly certain that the Navy will be willing to give Trabert another leave for the trip.

We can vouch that he made an excellent ambassador last winter, when he played only in the losing doubles match as Schroeders partner. Unless memory is faulty, Tony was the last Amsrican player to win two sets from Sedgman, a feat he accomplished in the Nationals nearly a year ago at Forest Hills. This would indicate at least a faint possibility that he might sometime win three sets from the Aussie star. Perry is supposed to be the best of the West Coast crop and a very fine prospect for future greatness. Probably his best win up to now was scored over little Ken Rose-wall, the 17-year-old Australian junior champ, in an early round of last week's Newport tournament.

Later, though, he was whipped by Sgt. Bernard Bartzen, a fellow member of the.U. S. Cup squad. Our guess is that, in the end, too much pressure will be brought on the selectors to permit them to play only the two youngsters.

TWENTY YEARS AGO Helen Jacobs won the women's tennis Htle, defeating Carolyn Eabco*ck, G-2, 6-2. 0 The Delaware River forms a natural boundary for parts of four eastern states New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. unworn tim ii and Saturday Store Hours: acu VM Jlf 6:30 A. M. To 8: CO P.

STORE 902 E. 8th Phone 246-J Per (OllM UNITY b. tf '1 4sC We Feaiure BORDEN'S I1ILK r- and COMPLETE LINE OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES ft A r. MR flllR ITV BOX SCORES FIRST OTIOWI.KY Sflvolt-tti, SKK-ktori, cf "muck, 2I If Miiorc, rf OtrHtree, Mcrwt her, lb Patrick Mflf, Xel.ton, Niccolai GAME 3 4 4 1 4 3 1 4 2 1 1 .35 ab 2 3 3 2 4 4 3 0 10 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 8 24 Tot TIIIKODAUX M'tUr, lb Willis, ss cf Adams, 3b it. 1j.

Smith, liHrt.sfi.-M, 2b I tall. Smith, rf llubin, 3 1 ri 2 1 4 0 Totals 29 .7 27 a iroumlc out for Meriwether in ftth. Struck out for Nelson in 9th. Scire by innings: t'rowl- floO 000 0203 Thiboilaux 000 420 00x SUiiinry: 11: Stockton, Smerek, Nelson. Metzler.

Willis 2. liarrett. R. Smith, Hartsfiekl. Moore.

RBI: Smerek, Kriinjrer, Moore, Adams 2, fi. Smith 2, llartsftel.l, R. Smi'h. tMinger. R.

Smith, Hai tsfiel.l. Adams. DP: Mele to Smerek to Meriwether. LOB: Crowley 7, Thibo-(' nix 6. BOB: off Blanton 3, Nelson Rubin 2.

SO: by Blanton 1, Nelson 4, Rubin 4. II: off Blanton 5 in 4 innings, II runs: Nelson 2 in 4 Innintrs, 0 runs. I.P: Blanton. Royce and TM1: 1:32 Ranier. SECOND 'ROWLEY Scivoletti, ss Stockton, ft Smerek, 2b Kd'ncrer, If Voore.

rf O'jellree, Meri we her, lb Mele. 3b N'ocolai, Nelson, GAME Totals IMBODAr.V Metzler, lb-3b Willis, Barrett, cf Adams, ss RofjerK, R. L. Smith, c-lb llartsrield. 2b Hall.

If It. T' Smith, rf Re von, rf 1 lolmuii, Milieu, 'Mffin Monroe, .30 11 ab .20 21 1 2 1 0 4 fi 0 0 0 0 5 2 0 0 t) 0 0 0 To'-'s 2 Hines In 2 21 fi 5th. a Struck Score by Crowley Thiboda ux Sumary: out for Innings: 500 100 0 200 0o) 0 2 Scivoletti, Stockton. Moore, Otle'ree. Meriwether.

WMIis. Barrett. Meriwether. KBI: Stockton, Kdintrer, Mele 3, R. L.

Smith 2 2B- Stockton. DP: rio-e-" llartsfleld. LOB: Crowley 7. Thibodaux 4 BR: Off Niccolai 3, Nelson Holman 2. Bines 2 SO: By Nelson 3.

Mines 3. II- Ofr 0 in innings, 2 runs. Nelson 2 In 7, 0 runs; Holman 4 In 3. 5 runs; nines 5 in 4, 1 run; Monroe 2 in 2, 0 runs. WP: Holman.

Nelson. Winner: Nelson, e-: Holman. Rainer anil Royce Time: 1:37. Bonraeois Hurls OiiG-IIit Win Over Pelicans By The Associated Pre Evanfeline baseball fans found the national pastime normal with the majority of seven games decided by small margins. The fourth place Thibodaux Giants pot off to a flying start last night, taking the loop-leading Crowlev Millers 6-3 in the first game.

The Millers won the night-can 6-2. The Lafayette Bulls- swept a twin bill from the lowly Abbeville Athletics, a 2-1 decision in the first game and a runaway 17-2 verdict in the finale. Baton Rouge tightened its hold on second place by taking a doubleheader from th Alexandria i Aces 7 5 and 6-3. In the only single PHG2IE 757 (m (oX EVANGELINE LEAGUE TEAM Pet. Crov.ley Baton Rouge 70 58 .547 Lafavette 67 Thibodaux 6 .528 New Iberia 5 f.i .508 Houma -5 72 .438 Abbeville 55 73 .430 Alexandria 54 74 .422 Yesterday's Results Uifavette 2-17 Abbeville 1-2 C-2 Crowley 3-t Miton tloior" 7- A'exindriu 5-Houma 1 New Iberia 0 Games today Alexandria at Abbeville Crowley at Houma Baton Rouse at Lafayette Thibodaux at New Iberia CB 1 1 20 21 AMERICAN LEAGUE TEAM New York -70 Cleveland 68 Boston -02 Washington 2 Chicatro 50 53 51; 58 56 70 80 Pet .583 .525 Ml .517 117 I32S Philadelphia B0 St.

Louis 50 Detroit Yesterday's Results Cleveland IS Boston 8 Chicatro 12 New York 3 Philadelphia 4 Detroit 3 St. Louis at Washington, ppd, rain Games Today Chicago at New York Cleveland at Boston St. Louis at Washington Only frames scheduled NATIONAL LEAGUE TEAM Brooklyn 75 New York f8 St. I.uis sn Philadelphia 3 Ch ica iro 58 Boston 49 3S 45 4' 53 fiR 1 0 87 Pet fifi4 2 .54 40 .287 'incinnati 50 Pittsburgh Yesterday's Results Philadelphia 3 Pittsburgh 1 Brooklyn 6 Cincinnati 3 St Louis 9 Boston 2 (Called rain New York -nt Chicop-n. ppd, rail Games Today New York at Chietro (2) Brooklyn at Pittsburgh Boston at St.

Louis Only games scheduled rth. "ame of the night, the Houma Indians edged the New Ibpria Pelicans 1-0 with Warren Bourgeois pitching a one-hitter. Thibodaux' Marvin Rubin held Crowley to eight hits in the first game. He was in trouble in only one inning when the Millers got to him for three runs. Billy Adams and R.

L. Smith led the Giants at bat, each batting in a pair of runs. Before Rubin was touched for three runs in the eighth, he had pitched 34 consecutive scoreless innings. Art Visconti and Wally Franks oaced Lafayette in the first game while Al Lichtenstein's four-for-six highlighted a 17-hit assault in the closing contest. Visconti poled a grand-slam homer in knocking home five tallies.

Bob Akenhead of Baton Rouge had a field day in the first game, clouting a pair of four masters Ln knocking. home six the Red Sticks' runs. The Red Sticks pulled the second game out of the fire by scoring a rpair of runs in fhe ninth. Hedges led the Stickers at the plate while Billy Lynn collected three hits ior the losers. The double setback marked the Aces' 16th defeat in their last 20 games and shoved them deeper into the cellar.

The Houma Indians were sparked by Bourgeois' one-hit oitching in beating the New Iberia Pelicans: Mickey Brda single was th.j lone hit the Pel, lould off Bourgeois who whiffed seven Pels in fashioning his masterpiece. -o- SPORTS MIRROR By The Associated Press TODAY A YEAR AGO PhiT Cavarretta was signed to manage the Chicago Cubs for the 1952 reason. FIVE YEARS AGO Sugar Ray Robinson knocked out Sailor Sam-rty Secreet in the first round at kron, Ohio. TEN YEARS AGO The St. Louis Cardinals trounced the Pittsburgh Pirates, 10-2, and cut the Brooklyn Dodgers' lead to 6V2 games.

Sure 'Nuff Real French Cooking At BAZERQUE'S CAFE Next To Bakery W. 2nd St. SPECIAL FRIDAY SEAFOOD PLATTER GRILLED FISH, STUFFED CRAB, FRIED SHRIMP, GREEN SALAD, MRS. SPECIAL FRENCH DRESSING, TARTAR SAUCE. ALSO WE SUGGEST YOU TRY A NEW TREAT Grilled Flounder Grilled Speckled Trout DELICIOUS MEALS EVERY DAY at BAZERQUE'S CAFE Fresh Cusine Phone 1029-J I -1 NEW YORK UP) A report has come down from New England that this country's Davis Cup selectors, wounded at the criticism they received last year for relying on such veterans as Ted Schroeder "and Vic Seixas, are intending to show their detractors that they can be just as forward-looking and long-range smart as anybody.

Specifically, the word is that they are thinking seriously of sending only Bob Perry, 19, and Tony Trabert, 22, to Austrilia next winter to challenge for the big cup. If sounds fantastic, but vvq've talked with a couple of rather knowing tennis gents here, and each said that, strictly off the record, he wouldn't be greatly sur prised if this plan were adopted. "You fellows have been raising so much hell about our failure to give the kids a chance," one of them said, breathing rather heav ily. "Now let's see how you like it if we really start building from the bottom up. There'll never be better opportunity than now, when the Aussies have Frank Sedg- yfFor Thursday, Friday Special On Soap Powder Rinso, I Li 11 2 Large Size Pkg Salt Strips SHOULDER Ik 25c Marshall FORK 'H BEANS 3 Cans 25c Purasnow FLOUR 10 Lbs.

93c TO 7 1 if 1 1 gii Hp HI OxydoL or Duz 28c 1 FREY'S McGee, an ace back with plenty of weight (195 pounds), fast feet and a good 'kicking routine. Jimmy Johnson is fast, smart and an ag gressive tackle. End W. C. McEl- hannon is both a good receiver and blocker.

Bear Wolf, late of North Caro lina State and later still of Florida, got the Tulane head coaching job when Henry Frnka left New Orleans to become vice-president of his home college, Austin College at Sherman, Texas. Wolf is a big," friendly fellow who often can get a good performance out of a player with affiabil-ity when a stern coach would fail. Wolf's temperament may be one of the principal things needed this fall to loosen up the Tulane squad, relax and encourage it after the troubles of 1951. Florida alumni weren't enthusiastic about Bear Wolf when he left two years ago but his direction of Tulane may prove Florida hasty in sluggesting he pack his bags. Two new assistants Gene liar- WHO PAYS THE BILLS? Have you every served on a jury in a damage or liability suit? If so, you may have heard someone say Something like this: "The defendant is insured his insurance company is rich let's be generous!" Suppose we stop a minute and figure out who really pays the bil in such oases.

Actually, it isn't the insurance company but the company's policyholders in fact, the whole insurance public. All claims have to be paid out of funds created by premium payments. If awards are excessive or for any other reason total claims get too big, the whole body of policyholders suffers by having premiums raised to keep the insurance reservoir full. Nobody with a sense of decency advocates that reasonable claims for injury or damage be cut down. On the other hand, there is neither fairness nor business sense in excessive judgments based on the theory that the defendant doesn't really pay.

The fact is that such judgements are at the expense of the premium-paying public. And that is likely to include, sooner or later, every member of the jury. Anyway, after you think this over we would like to talk about it with you. Call 1909. Protectlonally Youn, WILLIMS Insurance Agency INCORPORATED Crowi7 Since 1903 Phone 1909 MILK.ADAY is "Vitahilt" nitli new, scientific dincoveries to prope.

ly feed the rumen of the ilairy cow to promote loly health and produce more milk. Come in for your FREE Milk Record Charts. Uncle Johnny Says: We Carry A Complete Line Of Poultry and Livestock Remedies and Supplies Sprays, Spray Materials, Insecticides. Wcek-End Special: GALLON ICS CREAM ZIEGLEH-TRAHAH DAIRY PRODUCTS COME IN AND REGISTER FOR FREE GIVE-AWAY SATURDAY, at UNCLE JOHNNY'S UNCLE JOHNNY FEED SUPPLY "The Big Blue Store With the White Eggs" WE DELIVER Ave. E.

and Front St. Crowley Phone 1809 2nd Sf. Crowley THIS ROACH IS DEAD! WE HAVE A LIMITED HUHBER SUIT YOUR TASTE WbtTkW Tf Pern OF 116 PHEASANT CROSS NORTHWESTERN BROILER TYPE CHICKS. Ho Mndo A Mistake, He Ate BINGO ROACH TABS Non-Poisonous To Humans Or Pel Animals.

The Crowley Post-Signal from Crowley, Louisiana (2024)
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