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Clan || She/her || 24 || Anon List || My Masterlists || Welcome to my blog, lovelies! I'm a reader-insert writer and digital artist! Hope you enjoy my stuff!

Anonymous asked:

Ghost!Child!Reader with Monty, Chica, Roxy, Sun/Moon and DJ?

Separately and general headcanons please

-duck 🩆 anon

(i think i sent one like that btw but idk if it reached you)

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  • The first time he spots you, he thinks you’re a lost kid causing trouble.
  • So he chases you around, trying to catch you (and breaking things in the process).
  • When he finally does, he realizes he can’t scan your guest profile. It registers as nobody in front of him.
  • So he tries to physically hold you–but his hands just went through air.
  • “Huh? What’s this?!”
  • You have to explain to him that you’re, unfortunately, dead.
  • He’s so confused. You died here? In this mall that was supposed to be safe??
  • That enrages him. He doesn’t understand how he’s seeing you and nobody else is.
  • Though you briefly possess him, trying to calm his rage. Which accidentally scares a little kid who saw him with black eyes.
  • It works and you lead him to his green room to talk. Just so he understands your situation better.

Glamrock Chica

  • After falling down into the sewers in her broken state, it took her a while to get back up.
  • But at some point, you find and reactivate her.
  • She realizes her voicebox is gone and is reasonably freaked out by everything else that happened.
  • Not to mention you were a ghost she could somehow see.
  • You try calming her down the best you can, leading her through the sewers.
  • She wonders how you know this place so well one of the pits she sees deactivated Alpha STAFF bots and finds your bones among the pile.
  • That answers her question, and she starts sobbing.
  • Or rather, her voicebox is making static noises but she’s shedding oily tears.
  • Again, you comfort her, reassuring her it’s not her fault.


  • Her eyes see lots of things–almost too many things. It gets overwhelming when she can’t switch the feature off due to persistent bugs.
  • But the one time she finally does, she finds something new in her line of vision: you.
  • Immediately she can tell you’re a ghost.
  • She wonders what happened to you and becomes a bit sad when you admit you can’t remember it much.
  • Since only she can see you, you both become good friends and talk in the greenroom together oftbn.
  • Though she’s more distraught over your death than you, considering she was made to keep kids like yourself safe.
  • “I-If you died here, why hasn’t anything changed? Do people not know? Did they forget?? Are they just..acting like nothing happened?!”
  • “They reported me missing, but nobody’s actually looked for me. I don’t even know where I am
so that’s probably why I can’t move on.”


  • No matter who’s active, they’re both distraught to find you, a child that was murdered and hidden in the ballpit.
  • The sight made them have a really bad breakdown and they needed “emergency maintenance” to erase the memory of seeing your body.
  • After your remains were cleared out of the daycare, you continue to haunt it and find Sun/Moon again.
  • But he genuinely thinks you’re an ordinary child wandering around after closing.
  • You try explaining that you’re dead, though he only giggles, thinking you’re overexaggerating.
  • “Oh I see..all that Fizzy Faz can make anybody keel over!” Sun would say.
  • “More like“dead asleep” you should be as it’s way past your bedtime.” Moon scolds.
  • Neither of them could understand. You could recount every detail of the day they found your remains and they’d think you were telling a ghost story.
  • But for their sake, you stop and decide to play along and pretend to be a living human child.


  • He finds you roaming about the Fazcade after dark, wondering how you were walking through arcade machines and able to float down to the next floor without hurting yourself.
  • When you approach his stage he tries picking you up, but his hand phases right through you.
  • You have to explain that you’re a ghost, and he frowns, understanding what that meant.
  • “Oh no..I’m sorry, buddy. Was it..I-I hope it wasn’t anything I did!” He worries.
  • You reassure him he didn’t crush you or do anything to harm you.
  • You just accidentally fell to your death. But you couldn’t move on for some reason.
  • Maybe it was your adoration for this place that made you cling to it.
  • DJ can’t blame you. Accidents happen all the time in the Plex.
  • The most he can do for you is play music you like, while you keep him company in the dark arcade.
clanask duck anon fnaf x reader five nights at freddy's x reader fnaf sb x reader fnaf security breach x reader montgomery gator glamrock chica roxanne wolf fnaf daycare attendant fnaf sun fnaf moon fnaf djmm ghost reader child reader platonic headcanons tw death tw child death

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Anonymous asked:

Can I request a fnaf security breach x reader/headcannons please? Where the glamrocks (including bonnie and foxy, if you don't mind) recieve a tiny animatronic that resemble the baby of their species (bear cub,wolf pup,chick, ect...) and its intended to keep them company and help them backstage. And the baby animatronic believes they are their actual parent

It's okay If you can't/don't want to do all of them Freddy, monty and bonnie would be fine (if you actually want to do this request)

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Oh! I saw you request this to another blog and I found it adorable so I’m happy to do this one! This’ll help me flesh out ideas for my Glam Bonnie and Foxy.

We’ll just say Reader is the creator of these little babies

Glamrock Freddy

  • Freddy Jr. is the designated name for his orange-brown bear cub animatronic. No ifs, ands, or buts.
  • You explain that he’s just a little companion to help him calm down backstage before a show or keep him company when the Pizzaplex is closed.
  • Freddy instantly engages“Papa Bear” protocol 24/7, letting Freddy Jr hang out in his stomach hatch and the green room.
  • In no time Freddy Jr is attached to him, calling him “papa”.
  • He absolutely treasures this cub and would defend him with his life if need be.


  • A companion is something she needed more than anyone, so she was the first to receive her own.
  • A little wolf pup with tiger stripes like hers and glowing gold eyes. She has a tiny green streak on top of her head. She’s given the name“Lil Rox”.
  • Being called“mom” really melted Roxanne’s heart and she nearly sobbed when she first called her that.
  • This pup has really helped her with her mental health and self-esteem. Like a lot.
  • Even when Lil Rox’s just rolling around in the dirt in Roxy Raceway with not a single thought behind her eyes, Roxanne can’t help but feel proud.
  • With her eye upgrade she can see where she is at all times, so they’re never far from each other.

Glamrock Chica

  • A cupcake would’ve been too predictable and unoriginal. So you got a bit more creative.
  • Considering white chickens are adults, you created a mini animatronic Chica chick that was a pastel yellow, similar to her predecessors.
  • Glam Chica immediately adored her, scooping her up and being oh-so-gentle as she carried her around.
  • She ended up nicknaming her“Cupcake” but you didn’t mind. She was so happy.
  • Cupcake helps her ease her nerves whenever a show starts, or if she’s had a bad day after getting yelled at for digging through the trash.
  • After the Monty Mystery Mix incident, she vows to keep her chick away from that stuff at all costs.
  • But she’ll occasionally bring back some pepperoni or other toppings.
  • The mother hen in her is truly thriving.


  • At first he’s like“what’s this? I ain’t his mama” as he dangles Lil Monty Jr by his tail and looks at him over his glasses.
  • You scold him for holding the tiny little gator in such a way, and in the back of your mind you worry he’s not fit to be a dad.
  • Yet five minutes later you come back to Monty Golf and see the two together, with LM Jr watching Monty practice his golfing skills, sitting on the shoulder plate.
  • You’d ask what he thinks but suddenly he snarls and gets overly protective.
  • You take it as “yes I love and cherish him”.
  • Surprisingly he hasn’t had as many fits of anger lately, as LM Jr is always there to calm him down and be a good influence.
  • Like Roxy, a companion to call his own is exactly what he needed.

Glamrock Bonnie

  • Papa Rabbit is here!
  • He adores the soft baby bunny you designed for him, giving the little bugger a hug and showing him around Bonnie Bowl.
  • And yes, “Bugger” is the nickname he gives to him.
  • Unfortunately the bowling balls are a bit too heavy for him to carry, so Bonnie lets him watch a few games and write down whenever he gets a strike, miss, or spare.
  • Not that he needs to write anything as the overhead TVs keep score.
  • But it’s a great father-son bonding moment.

Glamrock Foxy

  • Rather than a parrot (again, too predictable and unoriginal), you present a little fox with a bandana on his head and an eyepatch on the opposite eye.
  • Foxy immediately adopts him as his First Mate, overjoyed and ready to teach him all there is about the seven seas.
  • The little kit loves interacting with the kids at the Kid’s Cove, playing in the sand and jumping on different structures.
  • Foxy’s pleased to have a son who shares his love for adventures!
  • Oh, and First Mate definitely chases his tail sometimes.
  • Such a sweet moment for the fox who’s usually so rough around the edges.
clanask anonymous fnaf x reader five nights at freddy's x reader fnaf sb x reader fnaf security breach x reader glamrock freddy glamrock chica glamrock bonnie glamrock foxy montgomery gator roxanne wolf headcanons platonic fluff

Anonymous asked:

How about a platonic and fluffy headcanon or oneshot? Security breach cast ((or just animatronics if it’s too much! ^^)) meet an old animatronic reader ((from like five nights at freddys 1 or 2??)) who’s like a Grandma/Grandpa figure to them and reader tells them the..scary stories from the past restaurants and animatronics?? Like “One time a security guard got stuffed with small animatronics (minireenas) so they could escape!” “
alright grandma/grandpa Y/N did you sleep enough?” Have a nice Day/Night!! ^^

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Thanks! ^^ Have a nice day/night too!


Glamrock Freddy

  • Seeing you in your old condition but still functional is..very impressive. Your worn and dirty fabric and obsolete endoskeleton don’t stop you from greeting the shiny bear warmly.
  • He mentions something about other Freddies and endoskeletons and your eyes light up. “Oh! Of course there’s been generations of Freddies before you, dear boy. Care to hear a tale about my old buddy, Freddy?”
  • “Sure, I’ll hear about your Freddy.” Glam Freddy is eager to hear your stories of past pizzerias and animatronic bears, wondering how they’ve acted before he came along. He even convinced Gregory to sit while you talk, seeing that you aren’t a threat.
  • “You know..the poor guard was once so terrified that he hallucinated Freddy’s poster changing
to show Freddy ripping his own head off!”
  • ‘I didn’t know what to expect, but certainly not that.’ The bear thinks to himself, not wanting to be rude.
  • You just have a lot of scary stories to share that may or may not be true about the company.

Glamrock Mr. Hippo

  • You two instantly click.
  • You’ve become besties for life, rambling about different things over cups of tea (or soda pop since tea is probably not served at the Pizzaplex).
  • In Mr. Hippo’s green room you both have chats about the old days, with him having his own tales of being in some“prison” with a miserable old Afton and stuck in the air ducts all the time.
  • “You know, a fellow much like you..a-albeit without a face, had said something quite intriguing to that old fool: “is it me trapped, or is it you? Perhaps it’s us both”. And it really got me thinking..our lives are like one big prison. I mentioned this to my good friend Orville..”
  • You nod politely in agreement, ignoring the groans of the Glamrocks who were running late to their next show.
  • For once, Monty kinda misses Freddy.

Monty Gator

  • I adore the hc of OMC being his grandpa, so he knows a thing or two about“respecting your elders”.
  • That’s why he never gets angry or destructive around you, much to the surprise of the Glamrocks.
  • He doesn’t bring up OMC much though, since all he can do is talk to him via a retro game. So he listens to your stories while you two play golf.
  • Somehow you score lots of hole-in-ones, beating him at every game. But he refrains from snapping his clubs in half.
  • You do make comments about his fashion choices, only because you’re still kinda shocked by how much the animatronics have changed over the years.
  • “Back in my day we just had buttons, hats, and bowties..none of these“moohawks” and shoulder guards.”
  • “Gramps/Granny
it’s pronounced mohawk.”

DJMM / Mini MMs

  • You visit the Fazcade for nostalgia reasons when it’s closed and often find DJMM asleep (or about to fall asleep).
  • It’s your stories that help him doze off after a long day of partying and dancing. Even the scariest tales will make him tired (he’s a big guy ofc so he isn’t afraid of many things).
  • Because of that you reserve your longer stories for the Mini Music Men that got loose and started hiding in the vents.
  • They can’t talk like him, being windup toys, but you can see the way their teeth chatter and hands tremble when you spook them with a story (although you don’t mean to and comfort them if they get too scared).
  • You tell them of a certain shiny endoskeleton who was shy and sometimes ventured through the vents to get around.
  • But all they can think of are the Glamrock Endos and wonder how their bulky frames would fit.

Daycare Attendant (Sun)

  • “YOU TELL STORIES??? SO DO I!!!” He practically screams, nearly damaging your old audio receptors in the process.
  • But you are glad to see he’s a fellow storyteller, too. Though the tales he shares are all made-up, clearly for five year olds who don’t need to know about the company’s horrid history.
  • You admire his energy, happy to know children still loved animatronics to this very day.
  • If you mention anything remotely creepy about the franchise, Sun might panic a little like“no, no, no I can’t tell the kiddies that!!! Moon might but
but not me!!”
  • You aren’t sure if he believes they’re made-up too or he genuinely doesn’t wanna think about you calmly drop the subject and instead listen to him talk about his stories.

Daycare Attendant (Moon)

  • True to Sun’s words, Moon is the one who tells the creepier stories (they’re not actually nightmare inducing, it’s just the way he talks that terrifies kids).
  • But unlike the daytime bot, you can freely share stories of your pizzeria’s bizarre and paranormal situations.
  • He’s just glad to have another animatronic to talk to at all, even if they’re old and not new like him.
  • “Little ballerinas used a person’s body to hide away, hmm? Interesting
 yes..” He snickers.
  • Part of him wants to use that in some way to threaten the bad children.
  • Though you think it’ll be too traumatic for a child to hear him say “if you don’t sleep, Minireenas will take over your body and make you sleep forever”.
  • He promises not to say that to anyone.
  • But later he uses that when he sees Gregory when the hour is up.

Roxanne Wolf

  • She teases you about being an“old timer” and the like. But nothing cruel, of course. You’ll sometimes tease her in kind.
  • “Surprised you haven’t kicked the bucket yet, geezer.”
  • “I’m surprised you haven’t ran out of lipstick, Roxy-Roo.”
  • “
..what did you call me?” She acts offended but actually doesn’t mind the nickname.
  • There’s a 98% chance she’ll brag about being the“favorite grandkid”, especially if you’re a fox or wolf-based animatronic.
  • Speaking of foxes, you share some stories of“Foxy Grandpa” with her, knowing her curiosity.
  • “One of his oldest songs was in fact a curse that made a boy lose his eye and arm. Everyday items became a danger to him, trying to make him into a pirate: butcher knives, fish hooks, carnival name it.”
  • “Woah..that’s pretty sick.”
  • “Based on a true story.”
  • “

Glamrock Chica

  • Usually shovels food into her mouth while you share your stories, with the occasional“mhm” coming from her.
  • It seems like she’s more interested in eating. But in truth she’s a good listener and is intrigued by stories of past Chicas, who share a similar love for pizza.
  • You spoke of a monstrous twisted Chica, with cupcakes stuck to her body to fulfill her never-ending appetite–and a jack o’lantern-like one who was made of pure hellfire.
  • “You know it’s funny..chickens are yellow when they are young, and when they grow up they’re white. And my..have you grown over the years, sweetheart. That appetite of yours never changed, has it?”
  • Sentimental talks aside, you do nag at her if she tries to sneakily get Monty Mystery Mix or pick through the trash. And she pouts like a stubborn child before walking away.


  • Tbh she’s surprised you can still function.
  • She thinks you could be of some use, so she’ll try to take you for repairs.
  • But the cylinder is far too complex for your simple wiring and other mechanisms. The thing would probably tear you apart even more.
  • So you end up teaching her“old school” repairman skills.
  • Poor girl worked only with digital AIs for so long she never actually had any hands-on experience with authentic animatronics. But she catches on fast while you share stories of other nightguards.
  • “Did you know one friend of mine, the Mangle, malfunctioned and bit down on the guard’s frontal lobe? I’m surprised the company decided to let them all walk around again.”
  • “
.yeah. Me, too.”
  • Tbh nothing surprises her anymore.
clanask anonymous fnaf x reader five nights at freddy's x reader fnaf sb x reader fnaf security breach x reader glamrock freddy glamrock mr hippo montgomery gator glamrock chica roxanne wolf dj music man mini music man fnaf daycare attendant fnaf vanessa animatronic reader platonic headcanons grandparent animatronic yn

Anonymous asked:

Hi could I please request a head-cannon or one shot of GlamRock Chica dating a Cat animatronic reader who has a yoga studio right next to mazersize. They host yoga sessions for adults, and the readers personality is also a complete contrast to Chica, who is energetic and bubbly, while the reader is laidback mellow.

Requests are OPEN đŸ–€đŸŽƒđŸ–€ (5)

  • With a place full of hyperactive kids such as Mazercise, there had to be an opposite. Something to keep the balance.
  • That’s where your yoga studio for adults resided.
  • Studies showed that if parents are more relaxed, they have a happier time with their children at the Mega Pizzaplex. It helps take the stress out of their visit.
  • So you basically host sessions in meditation and other lessons in tranquility.
  • Your animatronic body is more flexible (sorta like the Daycare Attendant’s) allowing greater agility in your movements as you lead classes through different exercises.
  • Plus, the studio walls are soundproof. No screaming kids or loud music to be heard.
  • That being said, it puts you at odds with your next door neighbor–none other than the peppy Glamrock Chica herself.
  • She encourages energetic exercises! Fun! Junk food! Membership discounts!
  • At first she didn’t see the need for a yoga studio and pouts, declining your invitation offers.
  • Though when she decides to pop in late one day to talk to you about something and sees you doing your last session, she
oddly feels calmer than before.
  • She ends up sitting down in the back and following the remainder of your lesson, mimicking your poses to the best of her ability.
  • It was actually nice for once. The perfect wind-down activity she needed.
  • You spot her back there, and you smile lightly, amused at her change of heart.
  • When the lesson is over and you’re rolling up your yoga mat, Chica comes over to you. She looks 100% chill, but also a little nervous for some reason.
  • That’s the calmest you’ve ever seen her. And your grin becomes smug.
  • “Did you enjoy the session, Ms. Energetic?”
  • “I actually did!” She perks up.“You should come to Mazercise sometime and run with me!”
  • “
.as a date?” You lightly joke, though you see her beginning to blush and become confused when she nods shyly, before quickly running out of your attraction.
  • Welp, it’s indeed a date.
clanask anonymous fnaf x reader five nights at freddy's x reader fnaf security breach x reader fnaf sb x reader glamrock chica animatronic reader fluff headcanons

whiteroseismyotp asked:

Could you do Roxy and Glamrock Chica(seperately)with a female reader that sets up an easter egg hunt through the pizzaplex as a way to confess her feelings for them by having the grand prize be a kiss(or some other method if you're uncomfortable with that). Maybe the others know about it and intentionally get less eggs to help reader out?

Requests are OPEN đŸ–€đŸŽƒđŸ–€ (6)

  • Easter at the Mega Pizzaplex was often celebrated with, of course, easter egg hunts!
  • You were in charge of the event, leaving the eggs scattered around certain attractions children would recognize (like Mazercise and Monty Golf).
  • Prizes ranged from free plushies to coupons (you couldn’t dictate that, though, only management could).
  • After the mall closed up for the night, you realized you had leftover plastic eggs and got a brilliant idea.
  • For a while, you’ve had a crush on a certain female Glamrock. But you never knew how you were going to confess to her.
  • Now, though? You knew exactly how to get your feelings across, making a fun little game out of it.
  • You didn’t know if she’d feel the same way, but you wanted to shoot your shot.
  • So you discretely scattered the eggs around her favorite places throughout the Plex, before messaging her with your watch:
  • “URGENT: I’m taking inventory and I’m missing some easter eggs from today’s event. Some kids might’ve left them behind. Can you sweep the plex and find them for me?“
  • The one to receive the message was


  • The wolf was confused.
  • Couldn’t you get those janitor bots to find them? Why did she have to deal with the clean up?
  • Then again, her eyes could probably find them best. So she begrudgingly responds to your message with a simple“K” and goes on the hunt, taking a Roxy-themed basket with her.
  • She can’t help but realize all the eggs were left in her favorite places, specifically places where you and her hang out the most.
  • Somehow she thinks this is intentional, and as soon as she grabs the last egg, she gets another message:“Great job, winner! Come see me in the salon for a prize.”
  • She didn’t realize this was all a game, but she’s pretty prideful about winning and heads to the salon.
  • There, she finds you and hands you the basket, wondering what the“prize” is.
  • You ask her to close her eyes, and after she does, she feels
.a kiss on her snout?
  • They open back up and she’s gawking at you, seeing you looking bashful yourself. She finds it adorable, her mechanical heart fluttering. “Is
the prize you?”
  • “More like my uh..confession.” You chuckle, only to stop as she pulls you into a hug.
  • “This beats a trophy any day of the week, sweetie.” She laughs, confirming that she wholeheartedly accepts your confession <3

Glamrock Chica

  • She was more than eager to help!
  • Considering the chicken herself has a crush on you (but is too “chicken” herself to make a move), she wants to impress you by finding those eggs as fast as possible!
  • Little does she know, Freddy’s aware of the egg hunt you set up and intentionally picks up some of them to help her“win” sooner.
  • He doesn’t get why you two can’t just talk to one another but he finds your method cute.
  • So eventually Chica gets the last one (miraculously without being tempted to eat any of them), and her final task is meeting you at the Mazercise for a prize.
  • You mess with the door controls so the walls lead straight down to the center, where you wait for her while sitting on one of the cushioned chairs.
  • She joins you on the floor, eager for her reward.
  • Which turns out to be a kiss on her beak.
  • She’s surprised, but smiles and hugs you, happier than ever knowing that you shared the same feelings as her <3
clanask fnaf x reader five nights at freddy's x reader fnaf sb x reader fnaf security breach x reader glamrock chica roxanne wolf female reader easter headcanons

Anonymous asked:

Say, could you write some headcanons for Monty, Chica, & Roxy meeting a dullahan reader? They always wear a bandana to hide the fact that their head isn't exactly attached, always carrying few spares in case of emergencies(jerks taking it for 'fun'). At one point they bend down to pick something up & someone bumps into them, knocking their head from their shoulders. They sometimes juggle their head when bored & making every joke about losing their head & being a dullahan known to humanity.

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  • You’re just a dullahan trying to fit in with humans–by playing Monty Golf regularly at the Pizzaplex. Humans liked golfing. It was calming and competitive. You liked that.
  • Monty recognizes you by the gator-themed bandanna you always wear, never seeing you without it. He thinks it’s badass and isn’t one to judge.
  • One day he’s signing a golf club for you and some stupid kid runs over waving theirs around, bumping into you.
  • Immediately your head tumbles off, and they scream and run away crying.
  • Monty’s shocked when he sees you moving around. How are you not dead???
  • He sees you patting the ground, realizing you’re looking for your head (which is an inch away from falling into the water).
  • Despite being a bit squicked he toughens up and grabs it, gently handing it back to you. “This yours?”
  • “Oh, thank you, Monty! If it weren’t for you, I’d have to put on my backup. It’s a pain in the neck. y’know.” You casually juggle your head before putting it back on, while he looks at you over his sunglasses, mortified.
  • “Wait whatdya mean by“backup”???”

Glamrock Chica

  • You know the incident report where Chica’s voicebox malfunctioned, made the server STAFF bots go haywire, and cause numerous injuries to guests?
  • Well, you happened to be an unfortunate victim. You just wanted to eat some pizza (as you’ve come to adore this human food) and chill out with your favorite chicken animatronic, but a tray goes flying at your head and knocks it off.
  • Thankfully nobody notices since it’s so chaotic, but Chica does and she’s horrified.
  • Later when she’s repaired and allowed to walk around, she finds you alive but
strangely you have a different head. Like a Halloween mask.
  • She clearly saw you get decapitated though??? So she goes over to ask if you’re okay.
  • “Oh! Yeah I am. I’m used to it.”
  • She’s so confused. And you explain you’re a dullahan.
  • Only then does she calm down, still feeling a little guilty you lost a head because of her.
  • “Don’t worry. It happens all the time. Good thing I always plan a-head in case of emergencies.” You chuckle as you show her your stash of spare heads and bandannas.
  • She doesn’t know what to think of your morbid humor. But hey, at least you’re able to make light of situations.

Roxanne Wolf

  • You decide to try out Roxy Raceway even though it’s probably a bad idea.
  • But when the wolf herself challenged you, you simply couldn’t decline.
  • “Don’t lose your head, kid.” She grins as you both wait for the light to turn green.
  • “Hope not.” You laugh.“Or else that’ll be the third one this week.”
  • “
.wait huh-”
  • But the race begins and you take off, leaving her in the dust for once. But she quickly recovers and catches up.
  • All in all it’s a fun race and you didn’t lose your head this time.
  • Though the moment you get out of the kart, some kid bumped into you trying to get Roxy’s autograph and accidentally knocked your head off, sending it down into the sinkhole below the Plex. Never to be seen again.
  • ‘Goddamn it WHY-’
  • Roxy’s a bit freaked out herself, but you manage to explain that you need your bag and she retrieves it for you.
  • Once your spare head is put on you huff and properly introduce yourself as a dullahan.
  • You expect her to call you weird or creepy but her reaction is“omg I finally get the joke” and chuckles.
clanask anonymous fnaf x reader five nights at freddy's x reader fnaf sb x reader fnaf security breach x reader glamrock chica montgomery gator roxanne wolf dullahan monster reader headcanons platonic

giugirl743 asked:

any headcanons about friendy and kind hare animatronic s/o (who is for some reason fully immune to the afton (alter ego) virus) with freddy and gregory’s help trying to fix and make monty, Roxanne and chica come back fully to their senses and free them completly without destroying them and manages to do it with success in a quite unexpected way like he/she/they/xem/whatever asked to gregory play an song from an abandoned and lost smartphone they found to cheer the situation while freddy plays along side the song guess what happened? while the 4 virus infected animatronics where tied up and listened to the song in their eyes turned and glowed purple and they began twich and scream in a voice which completely aren’t theirs (glitchtrap’s/William’s voice) after 15 minutes their eyes exibited an purple “error” and ”self-deleting” menssages in their eyes before they got knock out for 30 minutes and miraculousy waking up back to their senses and fully virus free! showing that music and some others similar or shares the similar rhythm and audio frequency for some reason has an extreme unwanted effect on the virus leading it to self-destruct without giving traces like “fully exorcising a demon from a person then slay it”?

Requests are OPEN đŸ–€đŸŽƒđŸ–€ (8)

I gotta say this idea is SUPER big brained I love it


  • “You sure this rebar will hold them?” Gregory looks to the aggressive Glamrock trio tied up in bundles of metal, uncertain.
  • Roxanne was complaining loudly about her hair, while Chica whined about being hungry, and Monty thrashed around and snapped his jaws.
  • Yep. They were still lost, taken over by that virus that amplified their worst traits. They even yelled at Freddy when he tried to calmly talk to him, saying hurtful things.
  • You (a hare-based animatronic who didn’t get infected), knew they didn’t mean it. They were even confusing you for Bonnie, with Monty in hysterics over that day.
  • But it finally convinced Freddy that they weren’t themselves, though you had an idea on how to help them, and you explained the plan to him. It was really just a theory
you weren’t sure if it would even work. But you had to try.
  • “It will, but not for long. We have to do this now.” You hopped over to Gregory, opening your chest cavity to reveal a smartphone you retrieved from lost and found. “This device has a playlist of the band’s original this one! Make sure the wireless connection is on and hit play when I say so.”
  • “Uh, okay..?” He takes the phone and connects it to a speaker, confused as Freddy returns with his mic.“What’s music gonna do again?”
  • “..hopefully bring them back. If not then..I don’t know what will.”
  • “But all we can do is try, right?” The bear beams with hope, making you smile back at him.
  • “Right. Now remember: no matter how they react, do not stop singing. Just pretend they’re
a bunch of angsty teens who can’t shut up.”
  • “
that’s kind of mean-”
  • “Freddy.”
  • “Okay, okay. I promise I won’t stopsinging.” His expression turns serious.“I’m ready.”

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clanask fnaf x reader five nights at freddy's x reader fnaf sb x reader fnaf security breach x reader glamrock freddy glamrock chica roxanne wolf montgomery gator fnaf gregory animatronic reader headcanons

springtime562 asked:

Canon animatronics meets y/n a kangaroo that wasn't taken over and was programmed to see kids as her pups and be extremely protective and loving. So she has Gregory in her pouch and her tail is strong enough for her to do a kangaroo kick. How would they react to a y/n sending monty through a wall

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Glamrock Freddy

  • It’s a relief that you’re not corrupted by the virus, and that you’re programmed to help children regardless of whether they’re on the guest list or not.
  • But it takes Gregory some time to trust you, even when Freddy reassures him you’re safe to be around.
  • Later on, he finds out he can hide in your pouch for safety. It’s a plush compartment that doesn’t close completely, but you don’t require recharging so he can stay in there as long as he needs to.
  • So every hour you and Freddy take turns carrying Gregory whenever possible.
  • Unfortunately your corrupted friends aren’t fooled by you as much and will actively pursue you to capture him.
  • But you can leap long distances to outrun them and, in extreme cases, perform a“kangaroo kick” (which came from your tail upgrade, even though it was only meant to help with balance issues).
  • While in a station, Freddy witnesses you kick Monty through a wooden door and was impressed yet concerned about property damages.
  • But one thing’s for sure: he’s grateful you’re on his side.
  • When this is all over, you two are definitely gonna be Gregory’s parents.


  • Being able to leap longer distances than him was something he definitely envied, even before getting corrupted.
  • Now that he was ordered to capture Gregory no matter the cost, he’d try to play catch-up when running after you, especially when he found you two in Monty Golf.
  • While Gregory’s trying to fill the large bucket, Monty confronts you on the catwalks and challenges you to a fight.
  • But he does say one thing that dials your maternal instincts up to 11:
  • “You know gators like me eat pups like him for lunch!”
  • He sees your scowl deepen for only a second before he’s suddenly flying backwards, crashing through the fragile railings and falling to the level below.
  • To Gregory’s shock, you put Monty out of commission in your own way, as his battered and bisected body lays motionless on the floor, a noticeable dent in his chestplate.
  • And he thinks you’re a total badass rn.


  • With Roxy’s enhanced smell, it’s not easy for Gregory to hide in your pouch.
  • “Give me the brat, [y/n]. Make this easy for both of us.” She demands again and again.“Freddy can fool me all he wants..but you can’t.”
  • Luckily the threat to kick her beautiful teeth in seems to keep her off your back for a while.
  • She’s seen you kick Monty into a wall before, so she definitely doesn’t wanna test you. Not when you’re in protective mode.
  • She’ll just bitterly taunt you instead, insisting the kids love her more.
  • As the night goes on her delusions get worse and she thinks you“stole” her nickname for kids:“pups”.
  • Hearing you call Gregory“little pup” while comforting him pissed her off so much she nearly pounced on you.
  • With the whack of your tail, though, she got a small dent in her snout and cried. And neither of you saw her again until Gregory confronted her on the racetrack.

Glamrock Chica

  • Out of the three, Chica pursues you the least (since she’s mostly preoccupied with food and distractions she’s easy to outrun).
  • Plus, she wouldn’t wanna test you after seeing you kick Monty just for annoying you. The last thing she wants is a ruined beak.
  • You’re good friends with her normally, so you don’t wanna hurt her even when she’s corrupted.
  • You decided to keep snacks in your pouch should you need to distract her from chasing Gregory (and ofc whenever he gets hungry).
  • So when she’s broken you feel kinda bad.
  • “Dang, it looks like somebody kicked her beak in.“
  • “Yeah it sure looks like it haha.” Gregory nervously sweats while hiding in your pouch.
clanask fnaf x reader five nights at freddy's x reader fnaf sb x reader fnaf security breach x reader glamrock freddy glamrock chica montgomery gator roxanne wolf fnaf gregory animatronic reader headcanons platonic

Anonymous asked:

Can you do security breach animatronics reacting to reader that has prosthetic legs? -ZRB anon (Zombie Robot Blood anon)

Requests are OPEN đŸ–€đŸŽƒđŸ–€ (10)


  • The first time he fell off the catwalk and broke both of his legs had him understandably miserable.
  • As a Pizzaplex mechanic you were in charge of repairing him, calibrating his equilibrium, and making sure he walks again.
  • This reminds you all-too-well of the physical therapy you’ve gone to after getting your prosthetics. It was a challenge, but you’ve overcome it and were doing much better now.
  • However, Monty didn’t know any of that and just huffs at how “humans made walking look easy”, brushing off your encouragement as pity.
  • "Actually,’s not easy for all of us.” You tell him. “I understand your frustration completely. Because I’ve been there.”
  • He wonders what you meant by that, until you roll up your pant legs and show him your leg prosthetics.
  • He’s surprised, and you explain that you lost them in an accident–just like he did.
  • “If I can walk again, so can you. Just keep trying for me, okay?”
  • It’s very reassuring for him, in a way, to know he’s not the only one who went through something like this.

Glamrock Chica

  • She wonders why you always wear heavy pants to your job at the Mazercise.
  • Of course, there’s no uniform policy you’re breaking. But she sees most of the human staff wearing shorts or capris, especially on hot summer days.
  • So one day while you’re cleaning the walls, she comes up to you and asks politely, reassuring you that if it’s too personal she’ll back off.
  • You kinda hesitate, not wanting her to judge, though you realize she’s probably the least judgmental person you’ve worked with and went all this way to find you.
  • So you show her your prosthetics, and she gasps.
  • You immediately perceive that as a negative reaction but then-
  • “Those. Are. COOL!!! Can I put stickers on them????”
  • “Oh–uh..if you want. But no one will see them..”
  • “What? That’s silly! You and I will see them!” She giggles.
  • Least to say, you allowed Chica to decorate your legs with stickers to her heart’s content.


  • You know those rules on amusem*nt park rides where prosthetic limbs must be secured/removed to avoid injuring others?
  • Yeah Roxy’s Raceway doesn’t have those. If it flies off or gets broken they’re not responsible for whatever happens.
  • However you’re trying to get that rule implemented. This company gets away with a lot of sh*t, but this was borderline hazardous and discriminatory.
  • Roxy sees you’re upset and asks why, but when you explain she’s just confused. “I haven’t seen anyone at the Pizzaplex with prosthetics..seems like a pointless rule.”
  • “Oh really?” You huffed and rolled up one of your pant legs. She sees the metal/plastic and is shocked. How did her eyes not catch that?
  • “[Y/n], I
I-I didn’t know. You didn’t tell me..”
  • “I shouldn’t have to.” You then walk away, feeling a bit hurt.
  • Later on Roxy finds you putting a helmet on a STAFF bot and apologizes. She sent a message to the raceway manager and they’re currently updating the rules now.
  • You forgive her, but remind her that just because she’s never seen anyone with prosthetics doesn’t mean they’re invisible.

Glamrock Freddy

  • You just casually mention your prosthetics getting a new casing one day while helping Freddy prepare for his show, and the bear’s ears perk up.
  • “You have leg prosthetics? I didn’t know that.”
  • “You never knew? You couldn’t tell from the funny way I walk sometimes?” You lightly joke, as you usually tend to do.
  • Of course, you’ve received stares and the occasional comment from kids and even grown adults. You almost didn’t even get this job. So you just make jokes to cope.
  • But clearly Freddy doesn’t see that as something to joke about and huffs, putting a hand on your shoulder and giving you a serious yet concerned look.
  • Stern Dad protocols activated.
  • “I see no difference, Officer [Y/n]. You walk the same as every other human. If someone is making fun of you, will you please let me know? I don’t tolerate discrimination of any kind. Especially not towards my friends.”
  • He’s so caring you nearly tear up.


  • “Mr. Sunny, is that guard a robot like you?!” A kid shouts while pointing at you, causing every other child in the daycare to turn their head towards you.
  • You were just at the security desk, trying to fix your metal prosthetic as it was a little loose, but you felt all of their stares and become embarrassed, quickly hiding it.
  • Sun’s furious. He didn’t know you had prosthetics but has seen a few children with them before
children who became bullying targets.
  • He absolutely does not tolerate that.
  • “That’s rude!! There is no reason to talk so loud that everyone can hear you!!” He snaps.“For that you are in timeout and afterwards you will apologize to [y/n]! The rest of you
go back to playing!! You’ll join this kid if I catch you staring!!”
  • It’s safe to say a few kids cried, but they learned their lesson.
  • He skips over to the desk to make sure you’re okay.
  • You didn’t think he needed to make a scene, though that was typical of Sun. You just thanked him for coming to your defense.


  • During naptime, he hears metal squeaking and investigates, finding you at your desk with an allen wrench, adjusting your leg prosthetic.
  • He says nothing, just quietly watching you work.
  • When you finally see him looming over the desk you nearly jump.“Oh, hey Moon..what’s up?”
  • He doesn’t know how to ask about your prosthetic without being rude, so he just points to it.
  • “Oh? This? Yeah it’s one of my prosthetics..I have them for both of my legs actually.” You explain as you reattach it.
  • “Both? And you..get around just fine?”
  • “Yep.”
  • “
that’s cool.”
  • And then he leaves, not bothering you about it for the rest of the time he’s active.
  • Honestly he has the most chill reaction.
clanask zrb anon fnaf x reader five nights at freddy's x reader fnaf sb x reader fnaf security breach x reader montgomery gator roxanne wolf glamrock chica glamrock freddy fnaf daycare attendant fnaf sun fnaf moon headcanons platonic

Anonymous asked:

Hi uh I've finally worked up the courage to submit a request um... Idk if youre still doing like fnaf stuff but i really like those moth animatronic drabbles from security breach of yours so could I request some of those. Like, moth reader is an animtronic specifically designed to calm/comfort people and like the fluffy neck also has some calming scent on it. And. What if they were just chilling somewhere when they found their glamrock-crush having a breakdown. And it's just hugs and comfort.

Requests are OPEN đŸ–€đŸŽƒđŸ–€ (11)

Glamrock Freddy

  • You find him shortly after Gregory gets trapped in the locked-down West Arcade, a place where neither of you could be there for him.
  • Freddy’s just pacing back and forth nonstop, running his battery dry, but he refuses to go to a recharge station, fearing that he won’t be available to help if the kid needed him.
  • You knew the duo were trying their best to navigate the Plex; you helped them on several occasions. However, the usually confident bear seemed lost with himself.
  • Considering Gregory kept getting into more danger at seemingly every turn, Freddy wondered if he was doing the right thing
or if the kid blamed him for all this trouble he was in.
  • Eventually you get him to stop, but only when his battery gets low and his voice becomes very shaky and glitchy.
  • Then you just hug him, comforting him with a pheromone releaser. Freddy, in turn, just nuzzles his face against your fluffy neck–which flusters you since he’s your crush and is super close to you, but you knew how badly he needed this hug.
  • Most importantly, however, he needed you here with reassure him that Gregory will be alright and he’s doing his best.

Roxanne Wolf

  • You know Roxy’s had her fair share of breakdowns behind the curtains.
  • But she always hid them from you and everyone else, acting like she’s perfectly fine afterwards.
  • However, the one time you do hear her crying in her room after a difficult day, you bravely knock on the door, hoping she’ll open up for once.
  • You knew she liked to pretend she’s tough-as-nails–that’s what you loved most about her–though you wished she wouldn’t force herself to hide it all the time. It made you wonder if she simply didn’t trust you enough.
  • So you call out to her from the other side, reassuring her that even if she didn’t wanna wanted to be there for her.
  • As it turns out, that’s all she needed to hear.
  • The door opens, and the moment you step inside after it closes behind you, Roxy tackles you and buries her snout into your neck, breaking down all over again.
  • Any mascara that stains your furry collar might be a pain for your handlers to clean out, but comforting her was most important.
  • So you just hold her tightly in your arms.

Montgomery Gator

  • He may have the toughest shell out of the band, but even that can crack sometimes.
  • You discover him having one of his usual tantrums in his room, albeit hearing it rather than seeing it due to the construction wall over the glass window.
  • So you knock on his door, flinching a little as you hear a chair hit it
but afterwards all the thrashing stops and there’s silence.
  • It slides open rather slowly, sparks coming out of the hinges, though you see the gator sitting in the middle of the destruction, huffing and puffing loudly.
  • You don’t say a word and instead sit with him, mimicking human breathing (an anti-anxiety feature preinstalled with you that helps people calm down from panic attacks) until he manages to breathe in-sync with you.
  • While Monty doesn’t wanna talk about why he was in such a bad mood, he does lean against you and nuzzle his snout into your fur, taking in your scent as he closes his eyes.
  • He hesitates to hug you..worried he’ll accidentally crush you, but you reassure him it’s okay.

Glamrock Chica

  • For a chicken who seems to have limitless energy, you’d never think she would worry about anything.
  • Though being only one of the two og band members left can be stressful at times
something that Chica fears won’t last forever. But ofc she doesn’t wanna think about the inevitability of her replacement.
  • So she usually turns to her comfort foods in times of need, but if those don’t help
then there’s a serious problem with her current mental state.
  • In that case, she’ll actively seek you out, as you’re both close friends and she knew you never judged her.
  • You simply comfort her and allow her to nuzzle your furry collar and/or run her fingers through the fluff as she chatters.
  • Sometimes your presence is enough to bring tears to her eyes as she lets the mask slip, knowing she doesn’t have to put up a front around you.
  • She cheers everyone else up, but it’s nice to have someone like that for herself.
i'm glad you liked that one btw!! <3 clanask anonymous fnaf x reader five nights at freddy's x reader fnaf sb x reader fnaf security breach x reader glamrock freddy roxanne wolf montgomery gator glamrock chica animatronic reader hurt/comfort fluff headcanons

Anonymous asked:

Can you do the glamrocks+dca embracing themselves infront of their crush staff!reader?Since they're all programmed to look after kids,I can picture them doing things to their crush that they would do to kids out of affection but it's weird since crush is an adult.Picture them helping you button or zip up your coat, trying to tie your laces if they come loose, cleaning your face of crumbs, scolding you for holding you touch in your mouth cos 'you could choke',then realising it's crush not a kid.

Requests are OPEN đŸ–€đŸŽƒđŸ–€ (12)

Omg,,,, you know I can actually imagine the Glamrocks doing this in canon.

Glamrock Freddy

  • You were just cleaning one of the restrooms–as the only Mop Bot stationed there was currently down and nobody could be bothered to put another one in there.
  • Once you finished a spot check, you put away all the cleaning supplies before leaving to take your break.
  • The moment you step outside, you see Freddy standing there idly.
  • “Did you wash your paws for twenty seconds, superstar?” He asks like a stern parent.
  • You’re instantly confused. That was such an odd question, one that he usually asked children to ensure they were practicing good hygiene habits.
  • But to say that to a grown adult?
  • For a moment you look around, wondering if another kid came out of a different bathroom. But it’s just you and him.
  • “Superstar, go back in there and
..oh..” When Freddy turns around, he realizes it’s you. Now he feels incredibly flustered, assuming you were a child and not an employee who was sanitizing the entire bathroom.
  • “Freddy, you thought I was a kid?”
  • “[Y/n]–I..oh no, this is embarrassing..” He stumbles over his words, feeling like a fool in front of his crush.“I-It’s a habit, I just assumed you
I’m sorry. I did not mean to patronize you.”
  • You just smile in understanding, before reassuring him that you did wash your hands if it made him feel better.

Glamrock Chica

  • She saw you sitting down outside Mazercise, noticing one of your shoes became untied. Yet it wasn’t obvious to you since you were on your phone, messaging your supervisor.
  • Her programming only sees an untied shoe, which was a big safety hazard should you start running. It’s not something she can simply ignore.
  • So when you get up, she immediately rushes over and waves her hands frantically. “Oh no, no, no! Don’t get up yet sweetie! You’ll trip!!”
  • At first you’re startled, thinking Chica was experiencing another malfunction.
  • But when she kneels down in front of you and takes your shoe to tie it, you realize she means no harm. And her actions fluster you a lot.
  • “Thank you Chica, darling, but..I could’ve done it myself.”
  • “
.wait..” She blinks and looks up at you, realizing she’s not talking to a child, butyou.
  • Of all the humans here, it had to be her crush.
  • #embarrassing
  • Immediately she wants to leave, but you take her hands into yours before she could make a getaway, telling her it’s nothing to worry about. You appreciate her gestures.
  • In case she still had doubts, you gave her a quick kiss on the beak before standing up and leaving, leaving a flustered chicken behind.

Montgomery Gator

  • One day you were drinking some Fizzy Faz.
  • Though mid-gulp, a few kids ran around the corner and pushed past you, causing you to choke for a split second and spill the drink all over the floor.
  • “Goddamn it! Ugh..stupid kids.” You looked down at the mess, annoyed.
  • The drinks were already a bit pricey, even with the employee discount (it was hardly a discount to begin with), so that was money well-wasted.
  • “Oh no. Didja spill that, kid?”
  • Then you see Monty come up to you, and you nodded, still disappointed as you go to activate a Wet Floor bot to take care of the mess.
  • But then he takes your hand ever so gently..much to your confusion as you stare back at him.“Monty, wha-?”
  • “Hey, it’s okay.” His tone turns soft as he kneels down. “We’ll clean this up together. No biggie. You ain’t in trouble. Go activate that yellow bot for me, will ya?”
  • “..uh sure.” You mutter awkwardly, but you do what he asks and when you return he looks immensely flustered.
  • “Crap..I did it again, huh?”
  • “
confusing me for a kid?” Now you realize why he was acting so strange, and you just chuckle as he groans, holding his snout.“Softie.”
  • “Stop it.” He huffs.

Roxanne Wolf

  • It was your day off, but you wanted to come to the Pizzaplex as a guest.
  • So you were just walking around while eating a slice of pizza, checking out Rockstar Row’s exhibits. You were hoping to find Roxy but didn’t see her anywhere in her room.
  • Eventually, you spot her and go over to say hi.
  • “You got some crumbs on your shirt, little pup.” She greets you rather bluntly, speaking to you like a child.
  • “Oh uh..hi to you, too.” You huff, a bit miffed that the wolf you had a crush on couldn’t be bothered to say“hello” at least.
  • Surely she’d recognize you out of uniform, right?
  • Though she ever-so gently brushes the crumbs off your shirt, before her chest cavity opens to reveal a napkin dispenser. She takes one of those and brushes some pizza sauce off your mouth, disposing it in the trash.
  • Then when she looks back at you, she realizes you weren’t a kid and blinks, awkwardly closing her compartment.
  • “[Y/n]?”
  • “
you didn’t know it was me?” You chuckled.“C’mon, Roxy. I’m not that unrecognizable, am I? But..that was nice of you, though. Thank you.”
  • “
listen. Don’t tell anyone about this. I-I just so happened to have napkins left over from a stupid birthday party-” She stammers, attempting to explain herself.


  • After your shift was over, you were putting on your uniform jacket. Since it was the middle of winter, it was bound to be cold outside, so you wanted to be prepared.
  • You put on your jacket and went to the security station to clock out.
  • But before you could log in your information, you see Sun rushing over to you in worry.
  • You wondered if something had happened with a child that he needed your help with. Though instead he does something unexpected.
  • “Don’t leave without zipping up your jacket, star-shine!” With gentle hands, he took your zipper and brought it all the way up. Then he went a step further and reached behind you, pulling up your hood.“There! Now you’ll be nice and cozy!” He chirps.
  • All the while you’re standing there, a little dumbfounded.
  • “Thank you Sun
  • “You’re welcome! Hope to see you again so-!” He freeze mid-grin, realizing that he was basically doting on you, a grown adult, like he did when the children had to leave when their parents picked them up.
  • His programming didn’t pick up on the difference until now.
  • But he tries to play it off with a giggle before running away to attend to the other kids, hoping nobody else noticed.
  • Yet you stood there for a moment before smiling, a bit amused by his gesture.


  • You were just checking underneath the playstructures for a loose ball, right as the daycare switched over to nighttime.
  • How convenient. You couldn’t see a damn thing.
  • All the while, Moon had just put the other children to bed. And he spots you laying down on the ground, shining a flashlight beneath the structure.
  • He confuses you for another kid and gets annoyed fast.
  • Just as you managed to grab the ball, you felt a blanket being rudely tossed over you, impairing your vision.
  • “It’s naptime, little one. Lights off..” He warns.
  • “Uh shift just started.” You remove the blanket and stare up at him, dumbfounded. “I can’t really sleep yet.”
  • “’re..” He blinks, realizing you’re not a misbehaving kid but a grown-ass adult (who he happened to have a crush on
a fact he refuses to share with anyone but Sun).
  • God forbid any children are awake and see this happening.
  • Yet luck isn’t on his side as he hears a few giggles nearby and whispers, though he glares at the kids.
  • “Go to sleep or it’s timeout for all of you.”
clanask anonymous fnaf x reader five nights at freddy's x reader fnaf sb x reader fnaf security breach x reader glamrock freddy glamrock chica montgomery gator roxanne wolf fnaf daycare attendant fnaf sun fnaf moon headcanons
Requests are OPEN đŸ–€đŸŽƒđŸ–€ (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.