Admin Admin Number of posts : 163 Age : 36 Location : Philippines Job/hobbies : Webmaster CP# : 00639156217370 Registration date : 2008-06-07
Subject: NOKIA N-Series Trick Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:17 pm
Here are some Tricks :
1. Is the "Universal number" If you find yourself out of coverage area and there is an emergency, dial 112 to make your mobile search any existing network that can connect the call for you, 112 is the worldwide emergency number, it can even be dialed even if the keypads's lock. try it!
2. The "Secret car keys" You can pull this off only if you have a spare remote key. Say, you left your keys in the locked car and the spare's at home. Using your mobile phone, call someone at home from their cell phone. hold your phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at home press the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone on thier end. radio signals will pass through and your car will unlock...
3. Disable stolen phone To check your phone's serial number, key in *#06#. A 15 digit code will apear on screen, write it down and keep it safe. when your phone gets stolen, phone the NTC and give them the serial code. they can block your handset so even if the thief changes SIM, your phone will be totally useless.
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