Conan Exiles Hardened Steel Crafting Guide - FragMeta (2024)

Trying to figure out how Conan Exiles Hardened Steel crafting works? Dive into our most recent guide to discover everything about crafting, resource gathering, and optimizing your gameplay.


Welcome, Exiles! Settle down on your sand-blasted sofas, chug that last gulp of desert water, and make sure your oversized sword is safely stowed away – we’re shifting gears today. We’ve all been immersed in the brutal world of Conan Exiles, battling savage beasts and surviving the harsh elements of a barbaric wasteland. It’s a game that pushes us to our limits and demands our best – both in combat skills and strategic wits.

In this ruthless open-world survival game, understanding your materials is as vital as knowing when to swing your weapon or when to run like hell from an approaching Sandstorm. Crafting isn’t just an option here; it’s a necessity for survival. Just like life in the scorched deserts and ice-capped mountains of Hyboria, it’s a tough grind but infinitely rewarding when done right.

Today’s hot topic? Hardened Steel. Yes, you heard that right. It might not sound as thrilling as an epic boss battle or discovering a new dungeon filled with menacing creatures, but trust me, this unassuming metal is about to become your new best friend. Whether it’s for crafting formidable weapons that would make even Thulsa Doom envious or constructing imposing fortresses to keep out the riff-raff (and let’s not forget those pesky dragons), Hardened Steel has got you covered.

So strap on in fellow adventurers because we are about to dive deep into the world of Hardened Steel – its importance, uses, crafting process…the whole nine yards! Ready? Let’s conquer Hyboria one steel bar at a time!

What is Hardened Steel?

In the gritty and intense world of Conan Exiles, crafting materials are more than just pretty trinkets—they’re your lifeline. Your survival hinges on how well you understand these resources and use them to your advantage. Among them, one metal stands out for its sheer versatility and strength—Hardened Steel. But what exactly is this high-quality material? Let’s delve deeper.

Conan Exiles Hardened Steel Crafting Guide - FragMeta (1)

Understanding Hardened Steel

Hardened Steel Bars, born from a fusion of Steel Bar and Black Ice, are high-quality crafting ingredients in Conan Exiles. They weigh less than their steel and iron counterparts (a mere 0.13 kg per bar), making them an efficient choice for any intrepid survivor.


Their quality isn’t just in their weight; they’re also versatile enough to be used in several items from gear to crafting stations. However, before you start dreaming about all the epic loot you can craft, remember that you’ll need a Furnace—unlocked at level 10—to begin your journey into the world of metal ingots.

How Does Hardened Steel Compare?

When we stack up Hardened Steel against other metals like Iron or regular Steel, it’s clear that it has an edge (pun intended). The key difference lies in its superior strength and reduced weight—a killer combination when crafting weapons or armor pieces.

However, every rose has its thorn; while Hardened Steel offers greater rewards, it also requires more effort to obtain compared to other metals. To craft these coveted bars, prepare yourself for an epic quest involving mining Ironstones from grey rocks throughout the map and venturing into the chilly north for Black Ice nodes.

Yet with great effort comes great reward—and mastering the art of creating Hardened Steel Bars will give you access to some of the best gear available in Conan Exiles.

Crafting Process of Hardened Steel Bars

In the fierce world of Conan Exiles, knowing your way around crafting materials can be a real game-changer. One such material that stands out from the crowd is our friend, the Hardened Steel Bar. This sturdy alloy might just be your ticket to survival and domination in the ruthless Exiled Lands. Let’s delve into how you can mold this high-grade metal to your will.

Gathering Your Ingredients

The road to crafting Hardened Steel Bars begins with gathering two key ingredients – Steel Bars and Black Ice.

Steel Bars

You can find these either as loot from chests or enemies or by mining Ironstones (the grey rocks scattered across the map) and smelting them in a Furnace with fuel. But that’s not all, folks! You’ll also need Steelfire, a concoction made by mixing Tar and Brimstone inside a Firebowl Cauldron.

Black Ice

Moving on to our second ingredient – Black Ice. This rare resource is primarily found up north in the chilly area of the Exiled Lands, like at Frozen Slopes or Temple of Frost. If you’re playing on Isle of Siptah, don’t fret! You can mine some near Vault entrances too.

The Art of Smelting

Once you’ve gathered your ingredients, it’s time for some serious smelting action! Start by placing your hard-earned Iron Bars and Steelfire into a Furnace with some fuel to create Steel Bars. Next comes the final step: adding Black Ice and these newly crafted Steel Bars back into a Furnace with more fuel – et voila! You’ve got yourself some shiny new Hardened Steel Bars!

This process may sound daunting initially but trust me; nothing beats experiencing it firsthand in-game. Plus, think about all those killer gear pieces you’ll be able to craft once you’ve mastered this skill!


Quick Tip

Just remember—when you’re off hunting for materials, keep an eye out for any aggressive creatures lurking around dark corners—you’re in Conan Exiles after all!

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Essential Ingredients for Crafting Hardened Steel

Ready to up your Conan Exiles game by crafting some hardened steel? Awesome! Before we start, remember that every great blacksmith has their ingredients in check. Let’s dive into the core elements you’ll need to bring this top-tier material to life.

Iron Bars

First on our list is a staple for any aspiring Exile smithy – Iron Bars. You can get these bad boys either from looting enemies and chests or doing some good old mining of Ironstones from grey rocks scattered throughout the map. Once you’ve gathered enough, pop them into a Furnace with fuel, and voila – you’ve got yourself some Iron Bars!


Next up is Steelfire, a crucial ingredient in the process. Making Steelfire involves mixing Tar and Brimstone inside a Firebowl Cauldron. The scary yellow rocks found in caves are your go-to sources for Brimstone. As for Tar, it’s pretty straightforward: turn any hide into leather in a Tannery with Bark and you’ll have Tar as a byproduct.

Steel Bars

With Iron Bars and Steelfire at hand, it’s time to craft Steel Bars. All you need to do is transfer these two components into a Furnace with fuel. It’s as simple as that!

Black Ice

Last but definitely not least, we have Black Ice – the magic ingredient that makes all the difference when crafting hardened steel bars in Conan Exiles.. These icy chunks can be mined from nodes located up north on the snowy area of the Exiled Lands or nearby Vaults on the Isle of Siptah map.

There you have it folks! With these four ingredients at your disposal, you’re well on your way to becoming an expert at crafting hardened steel bars. Remember, preparedness is key in surviving and thriving in Conan Exiles; having plenty of resources stocked up will ensure that nothing stands between you and victory!

Ready to Forge? The Many Uses of Hardened Steel Bars in Conan Exiles

If you’re a seasoned warrior in the unforgiving lands of Conan Exiles, you know the importance of top-tier gear. And nothing screams “top-tier” like hardened steel. In this section, we’ll unravel all the uses of hardened steel bars that can truly give you an edge over your adversaries.

Conan Exiles Hardened Steel Crafting Guide - FragMeta (2)

Weapons and Shields Forged from Hardened Steel

In a land where survival is everything, having the right weapons and shields crafted from hardened steel can make a significant difference between life and death. Whether it’s any Hardened Steel or Acheronian weapon or shield, or even some rare dungeon weapons like Telith’s swords or the Ancient Lemurian armory, hardened steel forms their core.

Tools Crafted with Durability

Hardened Steel isn’t just for your battle gear; it makes for an excellent crafting material for durable tools as well. Think any Hardened Steel and Acheronian tool along with Heavy-weight Truncheons – these are not just your everyday tools but ones that really stand the test of time.

Hard-Hitting Projectiles

Imagine this: You’re being chased by a ferocious beast. You turn around, take aim with your trusty bow, and let fly a hardened steel arrow. It hits its mark perfectly! That’s right; even projectiles benefit from being made out of our beloved metal!

Gear Kits and War Saddles

If you thought that was all there was to hardened steel bars in Conan Exiles, brace yourself! You can also craft balanced weapon fittings and master armor patch kits using these sturdy bars. Not to mention war saddles such as Warhorse Saddle Heavy, Rhino War Saddle, Poitain Warhorse Saddle – talk about riding into battle in style!

Armor Pieces Fit for a Barbarian

Last but definitely not least on our list are armor pieces. From Cimmerian Steel sets to Epic heavy armor sets from DLCs – all these owe their strength to none other than hardened steel bars.

Crafting Stations and Decorations

Did we forget to mention? You can also use these versatile bars in crafting stations such as Preservation Box or Blacksmith’s Benches as well as decorations like Hardened Steel Cages & Decorative Metal Skulls! Now that’s what I call utility!

So there you have it folks: A comprehensive rundown on how harnessing ‘Conan Exiles Hardened Steel’ can open up endless possibilities whether you’re planning your next big hunt or simply designing your home sweet home!

Top Locations for Gathering Black Ice

In the world of Conan Exiles, resources are your lifeline. The rarer the resource, the more crucial it is to know exactly where to find it. Let’s zero in on a key component of our high-grade material – Hardened Steel Bars: Black Ice. Here we’ll traverse across the frozen landscapes and delve into the best spots for mining this essential crafting component.

Exiled Lands: A Frozen Treasure Trove

The icy terrains of the Exiled Lands hold a frosty secret – an abundance of Black Ice nodes. You’ll want to gear up with cold-resistant armor or pack consumables that warm you up such as Firewater before you venture here.

Frozen Slopes and Temple of Frost

These two locations are particularly generous in their Black Ice offerings. Nestled deep within these snowy expanses, players can mine rich veins of Black Ice.

Isle of Siptah: Vaulting into Resources

If you’re playing on the Isle of Siptah DLC map, there’s good news for you! Your journey might be significantly warmer but just as rewarding when it comes to gathering Black Ice.

Vaults Entrance

Here’s a hot tip – mine around Vault entrances! These areas have been noted for their abundant supply of Black Ice nodes ready to be excavated by intrepid adventurers.

Wrapping up our tour, remember that harvesting enough Black Ice ahead will ensure you have ample reserves when you’re ready to craft those coveted Hardened Steel Bars in Conan Exiles. So put on your warmest gear and get mining!

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Optimizing Your Crafting Process with Furnaces

Heads up, fellow exiles! In Conan Exiles, time is of the essence and we’re all about that efficiency. If you’re looking to pump out those coveted Hardened Steel Bars like nobody’s business, you’ll want to pay special attention to your furnace choices. Different furnaces offer diverse performances when it comes to crafting these high-grade materials.

The Fuel-Efficient Furnace (Tier 3)

If you’re in a bit of a coal crunch, the Fuel-Efficient Furnace should be your go-to. It strikes a solid balance between crafting speed and fuel burn time. You might have to wait slightly longer for those shiny Hardened Steel Bars, but hey, patience is a virtue!

Heat-Efficient Furnace (Tier 3)

On the flip side, if you’re more of an “I need it yesterday” kind of player, then the Heat-Efficient Furnace is your best bet. Now don’t get me wrong – this furnace goes through fuel faster than a sandstorm in the desert! But it also crafts those precious bars quicker than any other furnace.

The Improved Furnace (Kiln)

Next up on our list is the Kiln from the Improved Furnace category. While slower than its Tier 3 counterparts in producing Hardened Steel Bars, it’s surprisingly efficient when it comes to fuel consumption.

Improved Furnace (Tier 2)

However, if resources are tight and you’re looking for an economical option without breaking your back over fuel costs, then the regular Improved Furnace might just be your savior.

The Good Old Standard Furnace (Tier 1)

Now let’s not forget our humble beginnings – say hello to the trusty standard Furnace (Tier 1). It may not win any awards for speed or fuel-efficiency but hey, it gets the job done!

Remember folks: different strokes for different folks! Choose wisely depending on what suits your playing style and resource availability. After all, knowing how to optimize your crafting process with furnaces can make your Conan Exiles hardened steel journey much more rewarding!

FAQs about Hardened Steel Bars

In this section, we’ll be diving headfirst into frequently asked questions about the coveted Conan Exiles Hardened Steel. From rare crafting methods to tactical gameplay information, we’ll explore some of the burning queries that players often have. Let’s take a journey into the world of Hardened Steel.

Is there an Alternative Way to Obtain Hardened Steel Bars?

Yes, indeed! The game does offer other ways to get your hands on these precious bars rather than just crafting them. You can sometimes score them by defeating enemies or looting chests scattered across various points of interest on the map. However, don’t bank too much on these drops as they aren’t as reliable as crafting when it comes to stacking up on a significant amount of this material.

When Should I Start Crafting Hardened Steel Bars?

No time like the present! While you might only need Hardened Steel Bars later in your gameplay due to level requirements of certain items you can craft with them, it’s always a good strategy to start collecting materials ahead of time. This way, you’ll have enough resources ready for crafting once you’ve leveled up sufficiently.

Are There Better Armor and Weapons Than Those Made With Hardened Steel Bars?

Hardened Steel is indeed one heck of a high-quality metal and gear made from it is definitely superior to those made from non-reinforced metals. But hang on! There are still some things that pack more punch than those crafted with Hardened Steel Bars in Conan Exiles. Gear made with Star Metal or Composite Obsidian packs quite a wallop. For instance, tools and weapons made from Obsidian and Star Metal, as well as armors like Silent Legion armor, Rusted armor, and Primeval armor are formidable contenders.

There you go! Now you’re armed with some nifty insights into Conan Exiles’ hardened steel mechanics that will surely give your gameplay a power boost!

Mastering Conan Exiles Hardened Steel: Game On!

Whew, what a journey! We’ve hacked through the wilds of Conan Exiles, braved the icy peaks for Black Ice, and fed our furnace until it glowed brighter than a fire demon’s eyes. All in pursuit of one of the most sought-after materials in the game – Hardened Steel.

Mastering the secrets of crafting with Conan Exiles Hardened Steel isn’t just about survival. It’s about thriving in a harsh world that tests your mettle at every turn. It’s about creating epic gear and robust structures that laugh in the face of adversity. And let’s not forget those bragging rights when you strut into battle decked out in gleaming Hardened Steel armor.


As we wrap up this journey into the nitty-gritty details of Conan Exiles Hardened Steel, we hope you’re feeling empowered to go forth and conquer! Remember – knowledge is power, and you’ve got heaps of it now.

So, whether you’re a seasoned veteran or an aspiring barbarian, take these insights to heart. Carve your path with confidence and let your legend grow as strong as Hardened Steel itself.

Keep on gaming, folks! Here’s to countless hours spent exploring these savage lands, fueled by an unquenchable thirst for adventure (and more importantly – loot!). In the words of everyone’s favorite Cimmerian hero: “Live dangerously; live without softness; be swift as darkness.”

And remember – always keep your steel hardened!

Tags: Conan ExilesCraftingHardenedSteelTipsTricksWalkthrough

Conan Exiles Hardened Steel Crafting Guide - FragMeta (2024)
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