Capsicum (Peppers): Nutrition, Benefits & More (2024)

Capsicum is a genus of plants from the family Solanaceae (also known as the nightshades). "Capsicum" is also the scientific name for peppers. There are more than 30 species of capsicum, which include bell peppers and chili peppers.

Capsicum is native to Central America and South America. Peppers from the Capsicum genus are a common ingredient in many types of cuisine. Capsicum is also commonly used in traditional medicine for its purported health benefits.

Five species of domesticated capsicum are the most widely researched. These species include:

  • Capsicum baccatum
  • Capsicum annuum (sweet and chili peppers)
  • Capsicum pubescens
  • Capsicum frutescens (tabasco peppers)
  • Capsicum chinense (habanero peppers)

These and other peppers are high in nutritional value and also contain bioactive substances that may support human health. The main bioactive substance in capsicum is capsaicin.

This article will discuss the nutritional benefits and uses of capsicum. It will also provide an overview of side effects, precautions, interactions, and dosage information for both food and supplement forms of capsicum.

Supplement Facts

  • Compounds: Capsaicin, quercetin, flavonoids, fatty acids, alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, triterpenoids
  • Alternate name(s): Peppers, bell peppers, chili peppers, capsaicin, Capsicum annuum, Capsicum baccatum, Capsicum chinense, Capsicum pubescen, Capsicum frutescens, hot pepper
  • Suggested dose: Dosage varies depending on the product, reason for use, and supplement form
  • Safety considerations: Possible side effects, precautions, and drug interactions, including stomach upset, sweating, and runny nose

Nutritional Benefits of Capsicum

The nutrition profile of capsicum varies from one species to the next. But, from fiber to vitamin C, peppers are full of nutrients.

Capsicum annuum includes both bell peppers and chili peppers, two peppers commonly used in cooking. This type of capsicum contains a long list of nutrients, including:

  • Carbohydrates
  • Protein
  • Fatty acids
  • Fiber
  • Vitamin C
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Zinc

Specifically, 1 cup of chopped red bell pepper contains about:

  • 1.5 grams (g) protein
  • 0.5 g fat
  • 9 g carbohydrate
  • 3 g fiber
  • 191 milligrams (mg) vitamin C
  • 10 mg calcium
  • 0.6 mg iron
  • 18 mg magnesium
  • 39 mg phosphorus
  • 0.4 mg zinc
  • 69 micrograms (mcg) folate
  • 234 mcg vitamin A

Bell peppers are one of the richest sources of vitamin C, an important antioxidant. Bell peppers contain additional antioxidants, like vitamin E and beta-carotene. Various amino acids can also be found in bell peppers.

Because of these nutrients and other bioactive substances, capsicum has been used for centuries for potential health benefits.

Capsicum (Peppers): Nutrition, Benefits & More (1)

What Is Capsicum Used For?

Supplement use should be individualized and vetted by a healthcare professional, such as a registered dietitian, pharmacist, or healthcare provider. No supplement is intended to treat, cure, or prevent disease.

Some people use capsicum for medicinal benefits. In traditional medicine, capsicum is used for its antioxidant compounds (mainly carotenoids like beta-carotene) that prevent free radicals (unstable molecules) and oxidative stress (an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in your body).

Another compound in capsicum, capsaicin, is thought to help relieve pain and inflammation. It is also sometimes used for other purposes, such as:

  • Nerve pain
  • Acute and chronic pain
  • Nerve damage caused by shingles
  • Back pain
  • Cluster headache
  • Nonallergic rhinitis (runny nose)
  • Osteoarthritis (wear-and-tear arthritis)
  • Surgery-related pain
  • Surgery-related nausea and vomiting

For the most part, more research is needed on these and other uses of capsicum. An overview of some of the science behind common capsicum uses is outlined below.


Capsicum may be taken orally or topically (on the skin) to treat pain. Capsaicin is the bioactive substance in capsicum that may have pain-relieving effects.

Capsaicin has been researched for its ability to alter the sensory neurons that are triggered when you feel pain. For this reason, capsaicin has been used to treat painful conditions like neuropathy, arthritis, and fibromyalgia. Capsaicin is often used topically for pain.

Interestingly, though, capsaicin may also induce pain to some degree. After all, capsaicin is the substance responsible for the burning pain associated with eating hot chili peppers. However, high-concentration capsaicin has been found to treat chronic pain and other types of pain.

According to one review, external capsaicin patches are more effective than placebo patches at relieving various types of pain. Patches with high concentrations of capsaicin seemed to provide the most pain relief. Some studies even reported improvements in sleep, fatigue, and overall quality of life from participants who used capsaicin patches However, the quality of evidence was deemed moderate or low by the researchers.


Antioxidants in capsicum have displayed anti-inflammatory properties in various studies. In particular, carotenoids are thought to reduce oxidative stress-induced inflammation.

Flavonoids found in Capsicum annuum may also account for anti-inflammatory activity. Luteolin and apigenin are two flavonoids in capsicum that have shown free-radical-fighting effects in laboratory research. The flavonoids were also found to inhibit certain pro-inflammatory cells and overall improve the inflammatory response.

At this time, lab studies have only focused on capsicum's effects on inflammation. Human trials should be conducted further to prove the role of capsicum in inflammation reduction.

Respiratory Conditions

Capsicum may help treat a runny nose, chronic cough, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

A recent review of 23 studies concluded that various forms of capsaicin may be a safe treatment option for respiratory conditions. Specifically, intranasal capsaicin (nasal spray), topical capsaicin, and oral capsaicin were found to improve outcomes in such conditions as runny nose, nasal polyps, chronic cough, and pneumonia.

In a small study, participants with chronic cough took capsaicin capsules for four weeks followed by a placebo for four weeks. Cough symptoms improved after four weeks of using capsaicin. Taking capsaicin over the four weeks was thought to reduce the capsaicin cough sensitivity that participants displayed at baseline.

This same reduction in capsaicin cough sensitivity has been seen in other respiratory conditions, like COPD and asthma.

However, more research is needed in this area as very few human trials exist.

Gastrointestinal Disorders

Some evidence suggests that capsicum may improve various gastrointestinal (GI) disorders. However, researchers warn that caution should be taken when using capsicum as it may make some conditions worse.

The capsaicin found in chili peppers may reduce gut inflammation and, thus, improve overall gut health if used at an appropriate dosage. Capsaicin has even been found to reduce the risk of GI cancers in some studies. Yet, the mechanism by which capsaicin works in the gut is not fully understood at this time.

A review of capsaicin revealed that the compound may positively alter the gut microbiome. If true, capsaicin may be useful for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), bacterial infections of the gut, and even obesity. However, research in this area is fairly new, additional scientifically sound studies are needed.

Metabolic Syndrome

There is some interest in Capsicum annuum as a treatment for metabolic syndrome.

A review of randomized controlled trials found that capsicum supplementation may reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome, which can be a risk factor for heart disease as well as type 2 diabetes.

According to the review, capsicum worked significantly better than a placebo (substance containing no active ingredient) at lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (considered bad cholesterol). In certain studies, capsicum supplementation also had some positive effects on body weight.

Another review linked capsaicin as the component in capsicum that may improve metabolic syndrome symptoms. After reviewing numerous lab and human studies, researchers found that capsaicin may improve insulin sensitivity, blood sugar control, and inflammation, three factors that can lead to metabolic syndrome.

Additional human studies on this subject are needed to help determine capsicum's role in metabolic syndrome.

What Are the Side Effects of Capsicum?

Capsicum may cause side effects. This is especially true of topical capsicum or capsaicin or if peppers come into contact with your skin.

Peppers are thought to be safe for most people when consumed in normal food amounts. Eating peppers or using oral capsicum supplements may cause side effects like:

  • Stomach irritation
  • Sweating
  • Runny nose

If capsicum comes into contact with your eyes, you may experience pain, redness, inflammation, and/or tearing.

Capsicum creams, lotions, and skin patches may also cause side effects. These mostly affect the skin and may include:

  • Irritation
  • Burning
  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Small bumps
  • Nausea

Some side effects like pain, swelling, blistering, cough, eye irritation, and throat irritation may be serious. You should seek medical attention if you experience any serious side effects when using capsicum or capsaicin.

Other side effects may be possible when using capsicum. Always consult with a healthcare provider before using a new supplement to ensure you know how to use it safely.


It's important to use capsicum properly to reduce your risk of side effects. However, some people may need to avoid using capsicum altogether.

Topical capsicum may be safe during pregnancy or breastfeeding. However, there isn't enough reliable information to know if oral capsicum is ever safe to use during these life stages. It's best to avoid using capsicum if you're pregnant or breastfeeding, especially if you are sensitive to it.

There also isn't enough solid evidence to know if capsicum supplements are safe for kids to use. Topical capsicum is considered unsafe when used in children under the age of 2. It is safe for children to eat peppers, though.

Other people may need to avoid capsicum for various reasons. Avoid using capsicum or talk with a healthcare provider first if you have:

  • A bleeding disorder
  • Damaged skin
  • High blood pressure
  • An upcoming surgery

It's always a good idea to consult a healthcare provider before starting capsicum. Research is still emerging on capsicum, which means additional precautions may be warranted.

Dosage: How Much Capsicum Should I Take?

Always speak with a healthcare provider before taking a supplement to ensure that the supplement and dosage are appropriate for your individual needs.

There is currently no standardized dosage information for capsicum. Capsicum dosage tends to vary and depend on the reason for use, the capsicum source, or the form of capsicum you use.

Because there are very few human trials on capsicum, it's difficult to know what a safe dosage is for capsicum.

There is no dietary reference intake (DRI) for capsicum or capsaicin. However, in the form of peppers, capsicum contains plenty of important nutrients that your body needs daily.

Currently, the only approved form of capsicum is a skin patch containing 8% capsaicin.

Until capsicum is approved in additional forms or for additional uses, follow the dosing directions as listed on the supplement label. You can also talk with a healthcare provider about the right dosage for you.

What Happens If I Take Too Much Capsicum?

Capsicum isn't known to be toxic, but taking too much may cause adverse events.

Eating very spicy peppers or using too much capsicum or capsaicin may cause stomach upset, runny nose, watery eyes, sweating, and throat irritation. If you experience any pain after eating chili peppers or using capsicum supplements, then you should seek medical attention.

There is some concern that eating high levels of spicy foods may increase the risk of certain cancers. However, research results on this topic are conflicting, and there is no solid evidence of any truth to this claim. Plus, some evidence points to capsaicin as having anti-cancer effects.

To prevent side effects and other adverse events, take capsicum only as directed.


Capsicum may interact negatively with certain medications, supplements, and herbs.

Taking capsicum with certain medications may alter their effectiveness. It's recommended that you avoid using capsicum if you're taking any of the following medications:

  • Aspirin
  • Ciprofloxacin
  • Antidiabetic drugs
  • Anticoagulants or antiplatelet drugs
  • Theophylline
  • Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors

Capsicum may also interact with other supplements that have similar uses. Interactions may also exist between capsicum and:

  • Herbs/supplements that lower blood sugar, such as aloe or bitter melon
  • Herbs/supplements that slow blood clotting, such as nattokinase or Panax ginseng
  • Iron

Other medications, herbs, supplements, or even foods may interact with capsicum. Always talk with a healthcare provider before trying a new supplement if you take other supplements, herbs, or medications.

It is essential to carefully read the ingredients list and nutrition facts panel of a supplement to know which ingredients and how much of each ingredient is included. Please review supplement labels with a healthcare provider to discuss any potential interactions with foods, other supplements, and medications.

How to Store Capsicum

Store capsicum supplements in a cool, dry place that's out of direct sunlight. Store supplements in their original bottle or packaging as these are usually resistant to sunlight.

It is recommended that you refrigerate bell peppers and chili peppers, as doing so will increase their shelf life and maintain their flavor longer.

Be sure to keep capsicum supplements out of reach of pets and small children who may accidentally ingest too much.

You can discard capsicum supplements once they pass their expiration date or show any signs of spoilage. Peppers that have formed holes, wrinkles, dark spots, or soft spots may be bad. Peppers that smell bad should be thrown away.

Sources of Capsicum & What to Look For

There are many sources of capsicum, including both foods and supplements.

You can get plenty of nutrients and health benefits from eating capsicum-rich foods. However, sometimes, a healthcare provider may recommend that you take capsicum supplements to increase your intake.

Food Sources of Capsicum

"Capsicum" is the scientific name for peppers. There are more than 30 species of capsicum peppers, with just five being domesticated.

All peppers belong to the capsicum genus. The most commonly used peppers include bell peppers, sweet peppers, and hot peppers. Although, these peppers are part of just one species: Capsicum annuum.

Peppers are often used to add spice and flavor to recipes. They can be consumed raw or cooked and pair well with various foods and dishes.

As a note, the spiciest part of the pepper tends to be the center (pith). You can avoid excessive spice by simply staying away from the center of the pepper.

Capsicum Supplements

Supplements contain more concentrated doses of capsicum than foods and may be recommended for some people.

Capsicum supplements are sold online and in certain grocery stores, retail stores, or supplement shops.

Capsicum supplements may be sold as capsules, powders, patches, nasal sprays, creams, liquid extracts, and tablets. Other forms may be available.

Many forms of capsicum supplements are naturally vegan and gluten-free. Some products are also organic. The packaging should indicate whether the supplement fits a specific diet or not.

It should be noted that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn't regulate supplements as it does drugs. This means supplements are not approved for safety or quality before being put on the market. When choosing a supplement, look for third-party tested products and consult a healthcare provider, registered dietitian nutritionist (RD or RDN), or pharmacist.


Capsicum is a genus of plants most commonly cultivated for peppers.

Capsicum has been used for centuries, either in whole food form or in supplement form for its nutritional benefits and potential health benefits. There is some evidence that capsicum may help relieve pain, inflammation, and other conditions, but research is still emerging.

Using capsicum may cause certain side effects. Some people should take precautions when using capsicum, while others may need to avoid it altogether.

Talk with a healthcare provider before using capsicum to make sure it's a safe option for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are bell peppers the same as capsicum?

    Capsicum is the scientific name for peppers. Bell peppers are a part of one of many species of capsicum. The species Capsicum annuum is made up of bell peppers, sweet peppers, and hot peppers.

  • What does capsicum taste like?

    Capsicum flavor will vary depending on which type of pepper you consume. Some peppers are considered sweet while others are considered spicy. Peppers are also sometimes described as having a bitter taste.

    As a note, the flavor of peppers often changes as you cook them.

  • What is capsicum extract?

    Capsicum extract is a concentrated liquid form of capsicum.

    These extracts may contain capsaicin or various bioactive ingredients extracted from capsicum. Capsaicin is a compound found in capsicum that is thought to have medicinal uses.

  • Is capsicum the same as capsaicin?

    Capsaicin is a bioactive substance found in plants of the capsicum genus.

    Capsaicin is the compound most often attributed to the potential health benefits of capsicum. There is some evidence that capsaicin may help treat pain, inflammation, and other health conditions.

  • Does capsicum cause gas?

    Some people may experience gas or an upset stomach when consuming peppers or using capsicum supplements.

    Gas may be due to the fiber content or spice level of peppers. However, not everyone will experience gas when eating peppers.

Capsicum (Peppers): Nutrition, Benefits & More (2024)
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